Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The last chemo session!

Tuesday November 23, 2010 marked my last chemo infusion. It did not go without problems. It seems my port was done and not working properly. As a result the chemo nurses had to find a good, large vein in an arm. I volunteered not to have the last infusion but they were dead set on get ng those bad chemicals into my body. Luckily I had sucked on an Ativan before they started in on me and I really did not care what happened. Ativan can be a very useful drug.

They found a vein on the back of my right forearm and got the IV going. A bag of ice on my arm to help reduce problems from the chemo and then I sort of nodded off until the job was done. Sharon got me home and I napped the rest of the afternoon away. Today I did not roll out of bed 'till just before 11am and I have been pretty useless all day. Fora nausea I am using Emend which works better than all the other drugs I have tried. It really keeps the nausea away. Yes I do have occasional gagging sessions and waves of nausea, but less than when I am using using the other drugs.

My fingernails are still a major issue. They are all slowly coming off. I was able to trimk some of them today - they are less painful today. Sharon is looking for some light gloves or mittens for me to protect my hands. My Michael Jackson look?

Tonight or tomorrow Kathy and Kevin will be here for Turkey Day. We are celebrating with pizza! No fancy feast of turkey and the trimmings for us. An easy pizza Thanksgiving for us.

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