Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Day

No turkey, stuffing, potatoes, green been casseroles, or pumpkin pies at the Jordan house today. Snacks and pizza for us. Knowing that my taste buds would be shot and nausea would be the order of the day, we planned on a pizza Thanksgiving. Kathy and Kevin came in last night and they will spend a quiet day with us noshing and watching football.

Typically a night or two after chemo I am up six to eight times during the night to pee. Last night was that night and though it was not a restful night, Sharon pointed out that it is the last time I will have to put up with the experience. As I heal from the effects of the chemo I can look forward to many "last times". This is something I really am anticipating. No more days of nausea, no more numb fingers, no more numb tongue, regrowing fingernails, no more sore booty.

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