Friday, October 15, 2010

Chemo this week was the pits. I didn't feel good going in, I felt worse going out. Wednesday was a red box day all the way around. Nausea was an issue all day and I was only comfortable when I was asleep.

Thursday morning's high point was constipation. Arghhhhh! I did go to work from noon until after 4, I don't know how I did it. Sheer determination I suppose. Sharon had a worse day than I did. She is so frustrated by this process she does not know what to do. Lee and Peg dropped by to pick Sharon up for a trip to an assisted living facility with the the dogs. Sharon had a good time with them - I think she needed out! I do too, but it takes a lot out of me.

Friday - the neuropathy in my hands is even worse than before. How can I have less feeling in my fingers and palms? How long will it take for my hands to recover? How long will it take all of me to recover? This just keeps getting harder and harder. This is another red box day between the nausea and the problems at the other end. Top and bottom!

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