Friday, October 1, 2010

The day the faucet branded Colby.

Yep, Wednesday was one for the books. I went to chemo and all went well - in fact better than normal because Nurse Jean was able to get a blood draw right away. It still took three hours to get through from beginning to end and I still had a bad taste in my mouth and I was a bit nauseous at the end, but there ore only four more of these to go!

After chemo I came home piddled around the house, Sharon made a really tasty grilled cheese with a tomato soup side and then i had a nap. After 3:00 I took my afternoon pills which included an Atavan. And around 4:30 I went outside to water some plants, add water to the pond, feed the fish and generally feel somewhat useful. In the course of watering, I squatted down to plug in the pond pump and promptly lost my balance and fell on my butt. Because I was holding the water hose at the time I managed to get nice and wet. But, I picked myself up and continued watering potted plants in the back. When I was done I headed to the faucet to turn off the water. Somehow as I was reaching for the faucet I lost my balance and fell forward, planting my forehead right against the faucet. Ow! My head made quite the thunk when I hit, and I knew immediately that all was not well. Sharon was outside right away saw that all was not right and went in for a wet towel, car keys, and wallet. She took me to the Central Du Page Urgent Care Center where they cleaned me up and checked me out. Two internal stitches, twelve external stitches, and a few steri-strips later I was patched up. Before the doctor started stitching, Sharon took a photo with her phone and I am indeed branded with the image of the faucet. Note in the above photo that part is missing, my head broke that off.

More chemo news. I did not think that my fingernail soreness could get worse, but it seems that it is a bit worse every day. It is now painful to touch most anything with my nails. I've got to cut them shorter because even typing is now painful.

Dr. Kozuh left a message saying that the PET-CT scan is tremendously better and he will go over it with me when I see him next week. Tremendously better does not say what I wanted to hear - that all signs of the cancer are gone.
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