Monday, September 27, 2010

Today started off fine, but then I realized that my hands were somewhat numb. The lack of the sense of touch has spread from my fingertips down my fingers to my palms. If I can't feel with my fingertips and palms, then why do my fingernails hurt so much? Also today the sheath or glove I feel on my tongue seems to have grown. Somewhat like my fingertips, I can't feel with the tip of my tongue.

Despite these discoveries today, I went to work and lasted four hours - from 10:00am to 2:00pm. I then went over to the Central DuPage Hospital Urgent Care Center for my bi-weekly blood draw. Almost no waiting today! Last Monday there was quite a rush for urgent care and I waited about an hour for my blood test. Then it was home for a bowl of Lee's minestrone soup and a nap. I was wiped.

I napped for about 45 minutes and then decided I needed to get myself out of the house. Because our Arboretum membership expires on the 30th I decided to head for the Arboretum to renew and check out the Steelroots sculpture exhibition. I've included a photo of one of the sculptures here. For more visit my Picasa page.

The scuptures were lovely and I wish I could have spent more time amongst them. In them I can see people moving about, dancing, walking, standing. They will be on exhibit through the end of January which gives me time to go back and see them under different circumstances. Covered with snow would be interesting!
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