Friday, September 24, 2010

Dinner last night was a success except for the white asparagus. I was thankful I was thankful that I was inspired to cook and that I enjoyed the results. When you are wearing a glove on your tongue it can be difficult to enjoy food.

Let me elaborate on that. I say that I have a glove on my tongue because not only am I unable to taste as I could before chemo, I feel that my tongue is somewhat numb, much like my finger tips. The feeling is similar to touching objects while wearing thin gloves.

Back to dinner, because this chemo round has been difficult because of my being more tired, feeling generally "yucky" and nauseous it was a relief to feel hunger and to feel the urge to shop and cook. I wonder if chemo has been particularly difficult for me because I enjoy the tastes and aromas of food, wine, and spirits and have been unable to enjoy them during chemo? On a positive note, in two and a half months I should be regrowing taste buds and my nerve endings should be regrowing!

A neighborhood cat visited our yard last night and got Shelby and L.C. quite upset resulting in lots of howling and hissing, and fighting. Why is it when a strange cat is outside that our cats attack each other? They should put up a joint front for the interloper!

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