Sunday, September 26, 2010

Baldy Colby in a self portrait. Today I have been working on learning to use the new camera. I'm quite pleased with its capabilities, but there is a big learning curve with this one as there are more than enough options to keep me occupied for a while. I'll post photos on Picasa as I go so any of you reading this can see how I am doing.

Katie spent the weekend with us and we enjoyed her visit. Sharon and Katie had fun shopping while I worked at Binny's. The two of them came to the store, purchased some wine and then took me to lunch at Chicks & Salsa.

Last night Sharon made a wonderful dinner of bone in chicken breasts and butternut squash out of our garden. I took before and after shots. This is the before, visit Picasa for the after shots.

Today has been a good day in the chemo cycle, I am feeling good. I told Sharon that this week I pondered the fact that on bad days I want them to end so that I could sleep and not think about how I was feeling. On good days, I don't want the day to end. This is one of the good days that I do not want to end. Lee and Peg are coming over for dinner and I am looking forward to seeing them and spending a plesant evening with them.
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