Sunday, September 19, 2010

Today I am feeling better and am working on editing photos I should have worked on as much as two years ago. This one has been posted before and I had a print made a couple of weeks ago. It will become an addition to our kitchen food art when it is matted and framed. This was taken in Collioure, France last spring. Cafe for moi and hot chocolate for Sharon. We had a nice visit in this little fishing town.

I've been putting photos on Picasa so that I can easily share with friends. This is a better venue for photos than Facebook - and more accessible. Let me know if this works for you.

I was hungry for stuffed celery and radishes today. Odd. I've not been eating much the last few days and here I want celery and radishes - and not just plain, I made a stuffing with fresh chives, some cream cheese, mayo, a little salt, pepper, and hot sauce. It is working for me. Aromas have set off bouts of nausea for the past few days. Even today, while feeling much better, the smell of cooking chicken was too much for me. Sharon is making chicken noodle soup for me at my request, I hope I can handle it!

Sharon's chicken noodle soup was outstanding - as was her whole grain bread. I ate more than I have been able to get down since last Wednesday.
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