Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday and the stitches are out. The doctor said my forehead is healing nicely and I could resume "normal activities." I asked if I could wash my hair and they were amused. I told them it would be a few months before I had hair to wash.

The past few days have not been the best - mostly suffering from nausea. Yesterday I was stubborn and refused to take any anti-nausea medication and I paid the price. Today I woke with nausea again, I tried to control it but gave in sometime after 9:00am and took a Compazine. I went to work after my stitch removal and made it two hours, I had issues with dizziness every time I went into the humidor and nausea. I am ready for the remainder of the week to go well. No more falls, no more nausea, no more dizziness!

This evening Sharon is fixing a dish she has dubbed "Sauteed Goodness." She has mushrooms (crimini, shitake, and button), fennel, leeks, cream, chicken, pasta out on the counter. I am sure they will all come together into goodness. I opened a bottle of Cameron Hughs Pinot Noir and we are munching on Epoisses and crackers. Not bad for someone going through chemo. I just wish I could taste more. I can smell the pinot, I can smell the Epoisses, but I miss the taste. It is this damn glove over the end of my tongue.

Yesterday Sharon made rustic potato bread. it was very good - beautiful and tasty - and we will have some more tonight. We shared loaves with Linda, the Metcalfs, and Lee and Peg. Sharon is very popular in the neighborhood.

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