Saturday, October 9, 2010

Neuropathy. Neuropathy is spreading. Neuropathy sucks. Neuropathy is annoying. Neuropathy makes it hard to pick up things. I hate neuropathy! Neuropathy is getting worse in my hands, is now noticeable in my feet - not just my toes but the soles of my feet. It affects my tongue which  makes enjoying food more and more difficult. Add the nail pain to the neuropathy in my hands and it is difficult to pick things up, manipulate things, button buttons, open jars, put in contacts.

I took the last scraggly hairs off of my upper lip this morning, No more mustache.

Kathy is visiting this weekend, yeah! Last night Sharon and I went out to dinner with Lee and Peg. Sharon was afraid I was too tired to go, but I made it through the evening and had a good time. I did crash when we got home though and slept very well last night.

Kathy and I did a drive through the Arboretum late this afternoon. Fall is here, leaves are falling, colors are glowing. We are a week or so away from beautiful colors in the oaks, but the maples are showing lots of yellow.

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