Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Shelby enjoying the warmth of the radiator. I wish I could have relaxed like that today - though I did nap a couple of times.

Chemo was tough today - the anti-nausea drugs today was not enough to overcome the chemicals pumped into my body. Last week was bad because I went into chemo feeling bad, and I struggled with tastes and smells during the infusion, but today was over the top. I was breathing through a tissue to try to avoid smells, but there is little to do about the tastes. I almost lost it more than once during the infusion and then a couple of times on the way home. This is a red box day.

Have I explained red box days? We keep a calender of this experience, trying to make sense of it. Days that were hard get red boxes. Thus, today is a red box day. I would rather have no cares like Shelby.
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