Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lazy cats make good photo subjects. L.C. is content to let me pester her for a while as long as I eventually go away and she can get on with sleeping. Her latest favorite spot is on the back of the sofa in the living room. Often we can find Shelby on the cushion on the other side of the sofa.

Last night's "Sauteed Goodness" from Sharon was delicious. I ate more than I have since chemo last Wednesday. And tonight she cooked halibut and rice both covered with beurre blanc sauce. Chef Michel at Bistro Monet gets credit for the beurre blanc. Sharon also made a nice coleslaw that was a great accompaniment to the dinner.

We watched Glee while eating. What a show tonight! It started out with Finn making a grilled cheese sandwich that he saved and worshiped as "grilled cheesus" because there was an image that he thought was Jesus on the sandwich. Do you watch Glee? You should because it is a complete hoot.

I felt pretty good today and ended up working almost a full day. No diziness in the humidor at work and only a little nausea late in the day. I was totally wiped when I got home though.

Tomorrow I see Dr. Kozuh and get the results of the PET-CT scan.

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