Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall has arrived in our neighborhood - though you can't tell it from the temperatures. We have been over 80 degrees the past three days. Sharon and I took a swing through the Arboretum late this afternoon and I got this shot.

Yesterday was a good day except that I ended up with nausea at the end of the day. I think it is pre-chemo jitters. I had some of the same earlier today but it seems to have gone away - it was worse while I was in the humidor at work (I only did a little over two hours there today.)

I went to the Urgent Care center today for my pre-chemo blood test and one of the ladies wanted to see my head. It is much improved hard to believe that a week ago today I had the stitched taken out. My black eye is gone, the scabs are gone, and it does not look like I will have too much scaring.

Sharon is making Pommes de Terre Mont d'Or to go along with leftover tenderloin from yesterday. This should be a feast!

Only four more chemo sessions. I dread each one but it is such a relief to know there are only four more.

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