Monday, May 11, 2015

Sunday in Sitges

Sunday meant sleeping late, going to the beach, lunch in the piso, time on the roof reading and chatting, an evening stroll around town, a late night dessert, and then to bed.

The beach was crowded today. More people on San Sebastian beach than I have seen before on this visit. The streets in town were also very busy. This must have been a good weekend to get out of Barcelona.

I made sopa pescado using the bones from our fish, and it turned out pretty tasty. We had to dig around to find the immersion blender we bought last year, but whe. we did, that made the difference in the soup. Well, that plus some vermouth and limon juice. I also fixed rice, cooked in fish stock, baked fish, and green beans. It all made for a tasty dinner.



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