Monday, May 11, 2015

Sitges - Dia Viente Quatro

Another one of those beach days in Sitges at Plata San Sebastian. After beach time and I sat on a bench at the beach by the sailing club watching a father coaching his young sons in football. They were young, four or five and their dad was patient. He would demonstrate a move, a kick, and then the boys would try. He practiced kicking goals with them, he as the goalie them attacking. He practiced passes with them and they all seemed to have a good time.


Then on to shower time, nap time, shopping time, cocktail time, dinner time...blogging time.


Good news - no cane for the past two days. The plantar faciitis and the neuropathy are both better. I've tried to go easy on my left foot, first with the cane and then without. On the neuropathy front I have been better about taking my alpha lipoic acid, perhaps that is helping. Still there, but better.



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