Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Barcelona And Osmosis #3

11,293 steps for Katie and me today. As Katie says, "That's a lot of steps for two people who didn't want to walk much." Jorge headed to Barcelona way before us, leaving around 7:00am, and exploring modern architecture in Barcelona. Katie and I were quite lazy and left the piso around 10:00am. We wanted to shop for shoes for me at El Corte Inglés, but that was a bust. They have more online than they do in the store. Katie got some makeup and then we headed to El Born and went to Nomad Coffee Lab. This is a SERIOUS coffee spot. They take their coffee with SERIOUSNESS, not sugar or cream. You had better know what you are doing and what you want when you come in here. Katie and I both had classico espresso which was likely a major disappointment for the barrista. We obviously did not appreciate our coffee. We liked it. Very good rich, earthy, full bodied espresso. Our next stop was the Palau de la Música Orfeó Català. I want to take Nick here when we are in town as I am sure he will appreciate it. English tours are every hour from 10:00am. We then walked back to Placa de Catalunya to catch the 24 bus back to Gracia and Arago. We had taken the 24 bus down to Placa de Catalunya. Each of these bus trips save a lot of walking on my plantar fasciitis heel. We then walked over to Osmosis for lunch. Descriptions will follow.



Foie micuit amb poma a la vainilla

Foie micuit con manzana a la vainilla

Foiegras micuit with apple and vanila


Crema de peres amb mató i seitó

Crema de peras con “mató” y boquerón

Pear cream with fresh cheese and anchovy


Saltat de múrgules,olives i guatlla

Salteado de colmenillas,olivas y codorniz

Mushrooms sautéed with olives and quail



Llobarro amb xalotes

Lubina con chalotas

Seabass with sweet onion


Arròs de peix de roca amb pèsols,llagostí i llimona

Arroz de pescado de roca con guisantes,langostino y limón

Rockfish rice with green peas,prawn and lemon


Costellam de xai amb dàtils i espècies

Costillar de cordero con dátiles y especies

Lamb ribs with dates and spicy

(We had a cheese course.)


Panacota d’orxata amb vainilla i albercoc

Panacota de horchata con vainilla y albaricoque

Tiger nuts milk panna cotta with vanila and apricot


Tres xocolates

Tres chocolates

Three chocolates

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