Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Returning From Paris

Nick and I are on the TGV rolling from Gare de Lyon in Paris to Estacio Sants in Barcelona and enjoying the comfortable almost 300 km/h ride. There are rain clouds on each side of us as we head south, but all we have todo is watch them and enjoy them. Sharon and Lee and Peg passed by here on these same tracks a few hours ago. We have received no updates on their progress as it seems Sharon's phone is turned off and Lee and Peg do not have phone service here.

This morning we saw the trio off between 8:00 and 8:30, then Nick and I cleaned the apartment. Evilio came at around 10:00 and we passed on the keys, leaving the apartment around 10:15. We walked and gawked our way to Batille where we stopped for coffee and juice. I finally learned what to order in Paris when you want the equivilant of a cortado, a noisette. We continued on to Gare de Lyon where we had a nice lunch in the station, picked up a few snackss, then boarded our train for our 14:07 departure.

A lady with a cat in a carrier boarded with us. She was scheuled to sit with me but must have not liked what she saw. She never sat down, but looked around the car for a vacant seat. And a guy came with a ticket for the single seat across from me but a girl was sitting there. Seems she was on the wrong train. We seem to be part of two trains hooked together. One of them only goes to Perpignan, but makes all the other stops with us. I suppose we will seperate there and we, on the front of the caravan, continue on.


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