Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Plegable Bicicleta de Ciudad

I've been considering a bicycle for Sitges and finally decided to look at the bargain alternative, Carrefour. They are the Target/Walmart of many countries. I found a bicycle at their website that seemed to not suck. Today I took the Monbus to the big shopping mall on Gran Via in Barcelona to check out their bikes.
First part of the. adventure, I asked the bus driver if she was heading to Gran Via, she replied "Avinguda?" I replied "Si" before I fully understood her, but I did finally figure it out. When we got there I was day dreaming. The driver stopped, opened the door, and when I did not get off, got out of her seat and came back to rouse me! I realized where I was gave her many thanks, and then got off the bus. Thank you Monbus driver!

At Carrerfour they did not have the bike I wanted, but the only folding they had was their €139 20" City bike. I checked it out, folded it, rode it up and down the aisle in the store and decided for the price, it did not suck. I added a lock, a helmet, a couple of tools, and was out the door with tax for under €200. Out of the mall I rode to the bus stop, folded the bike, and put it on the Monbus when it came. Easy. In Sitges I got it off the bus. unfolded it, and rode back to the piso.

While at Carrefour I partially returned the bus driver favor. There were two Chinese guys in line in front of me. Their Spanish was worse than mine and the cashier was trying to explain her need for identification. I understood her and told then in English they needed ID. They told the cashier, in English, that their passports were at the hotel. I said to the cashier "No passport." She pointed them to an ATM all was good.

Katie and Jorge and I had lunch at La Concha, delicious. Then I had a nap and then went for a bike ride. Rough day.

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