Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Checking Out Vilanova i la Geltrú

Katie and I did some research on Tripadvisor and picked a few restaurants in Vilanova worth looking at. Also, I found a bike shop online I wanted to check out. We took the train there from Sitges - on and off as Vilanova is one town southwest along the coast. We visited the local art museum and, very nice, and strolled through town. There were two highlights, the pedestrian ramblas running through the center of town and filled with shops and cafes and the market. A large building with numerous food stalls. Jorge found his guanabana. He loves this fruit. I find it interesting but do not need more!
We had a delicious lunch at L'Oganpetit and highly recommend this quiet spot. Outside was comfortable and inside was very nicely decorated in a modern style. After lunch we walked to the beach, looked around and the headed back to the train. I commented early on that compared to Sitges this was he big city, but without the bustle of Barcelona. Judging from the restaurants along the main beach drag, Vilanova gets very busy in the summer months. The beach is long and wide but a long way from restaurants and residences. We are spoiled by Sitges, especially San Sebastian beach.


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