Saturday, May 16, 2015

Public Transportation In Spain And France

This morning I got on the train in Sitges headed to Barcelona Sants station where I will continue on to Paris. The trains and busses here, public transportation in general, puts the United States to shame. On both busses and trains you will find them to be clean, running often, and reliable. In the past month we have taken the train multiple times to Barcelona and back, to Vilanova and back and each trip has been comfortable and on time. We have taken the bus in Barcelona, and the bus from the airport to Sitges. we have taken the bus to Barcelona for shopping. I feel the prices are reasonalbe as well. Using a T-10 ten ride three zone ticket for the Sitges Barcelona train or the Sitges Barcelona Airport or shopping run cost 26.75€. A T-10 one zone for Barcelona metro and busses is 9.85€.

On another note, this TGV to Paris Gare Lyon is making multiple stops. I wonder if there is a direct train? We will stop at Girona, Figueres, Perpignan, Narbonne,Montpellier, Nimes, and Valence. I learned something this morning about the Lounge for first class passengers. It is in the station behind the medium distance ticket counters. Do not pass through the baggage check xray machines because you have gone too far!

I am in the first car behind the engine, in a single seat, upper deck, first class. Very comfortable, lots of leg room, big tray table, electrical outlet, electric seat recline, foot rest. Whoops, we are pulling out and it seems I am in the last car not the first, unless we turn around. Oh, and I am going backwards. We did leave on time. I am amazed how much luggage some people can carry. Some people just got on with bag, after, bag, after bag. We are past Figueres and moving at 294 kmh with is about 180 mph. Try that in the U.S. of A. One trip to the dining car so far. It is a stand up affair, not fancy, but you can get coffee, and soft drinks. wine, and beer, snack sandwiches and more. cart came through selling wine, coffee, snacks, sandwiches. I went for a cheese sandwich which tur ed out to be egg. tomato, and a thin slice of cheese on toasted white bread. I would not recommend it. I had wine with it and it was passable, but only because of the wine.


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