Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday, Sitges

Tonight for our meal in the piso Sharon and I made sopa de pan y ajo. We worked from the Ferran Adria cookbook I bought in Barcelona this week. Jorge warned us the previous day that he hated sopa de pan as a child. I insisted and we made it anyway. Right before we served it I tasted it and said "I know why Jorge hated this is a child." I was the only one to finish my bowl of soup - and I thank Claire Dunivan and Audra Dunivan because I added Chovi Salsa Picante Louisiana.

This morning was overcast and their were rain clouds out to sea. I noticed waves crashing below the church and sometimes crashing over the stairs. I headed out to the end of the first jetty for some pictures. The waves were impressive as were the clouds. But, later in the day the clouds had cleard, though the waves were still up. We went out to Club Nautic de Sitges for lunch and once again were all happy - though it got a bit too hot in the sun.

Also during the morning Jorge and I were looking to find locations from old photographs of Sitges. We worked on the Cap de Ville and think we have found the right spots. We will be taking some photos comparing old with new. Should be interesting.


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