Sunday, May 11, 2014

Stiges Day 6

Ahh day six! What happened to day five? I guess we were so wrapped up in getting ready for our day of rest oon Sunday, Saturday slipped by! We did start with the usual Café Bar Roy I went exploring, bought my appless for my apple breaks, found a bike shop, and went back to the fishing shop but they were closed. I sat wwatching people on the beach for a while as I ate one of my apples. Jorge did a lot of sleeping to catch up on his lack of sleep. Katie and I sat on the roof and read and I feell asleep ' resulting in way too much sun on my legs and my face! Katie had told me to get sun screen. Did I listen to her? No. But late on Saturay while we were doing our shopping rounds I got some.

The three of us had Pica pica for lunch - tiny fried calimari and fish and an xacto salad and mussles and then seafood fiduea. That and a bottle of rosé and we were all happy. More reading and more naps, and cheese and olives and jamon and wine in the piso and then we all retured around 11:30

Day six - finally a day of rest! We got off to a little later start for our morning café con leché at Café Bar Roy. Tooday was my laundry day so I gathered my dirties and headed upstairs for the waasher and then hung everything to dry. Katie and I watched the clothes dry while sitting on the roof reading and I had another little nap. At about 2:00 we headed out to find a spot for lunh and walked for over an hour before we found a spot that we liked and had an open table. I suppose Katie and I are still in training. We had a nice but small lunch and put down another bottle of rosé. Late this afternoon we were down below the church wathing dance exhibitions that were part of the International Day of the Dance. It was fun and there was good people watching. Tonight the usual is planned at the piso then we will rest up for a hard day of relaxing tomorrow. Enjoy the pictures!

Lunch on Sunday
At the jamon shop


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