Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Sitges Day 2

Last night after getting to sleep around 10:00 I slept soundly for a couple of hours and then was up and down and rolling around for a couple of hours. I was afraid that I was not going to get any sleep and the next thing I knew light was coming in the window and it was 7:00. Yes! A good night's sleep. I got up and made coffee, checked the news and, lazed around until Katie got up around 9:00 and then it was off to Café Bar Roy for our Sitges morning ritual.

Katie and I did our shopping at the local super market - Mercadona - and explored the Mercat de Sitges upstairs. The Mercat is a great spot for fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, and meat. I will be buying some fresh sardines from here and grilling them on la plancha.

After dropping our groceries back at the piso we headed out for a walk around town as we are in training for when Sharon and Jorge get here. They will expect us to walk a lot! We wandered around Sitges checking out shops and a couple of parks and then heading to the walk next to the beach. Sunny, mild temperatures, relaxing. We stopped and watched people and a gathering of a bunch of college age kids here on some activity which had them exploring the town and then dancing.

We then went from restaurant to restaurant down the beach until we found one with a menu that we liked. Yamuna was the winner. They were a bit confused on the service part of getting us a bottle of water and a bottle of rosado, but the food was wonderful and we will be back with Jorge and Sharon. Katie had gazpacho and I had white asparagus for our first course. Katie moved on to lomo and I had a dorado. Both were excellent. We were there for a long time and were not rushed at all, even though we were the last ones there.

After lunch it was back to the piso and a nap for me, and feet up time for Katie. Then at 6:00 we headed out to pick up a loaf of bread, more cheese, and more exploring. We wandered about an got back to the piso around 8:00. After a dinner of bread, olives, cheese, and wine it is now 11:30 and about time for bed!



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