Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Sitges, Cloudy Tuesday

Sharon and Katie one of the terrazas of the piso we like the best so far.

This entry is for Tuesday but it will show up on the blog after Wednesday. It may confuse you, but here is Sitges days and time means little any more. Tuesday was cloudy and windy with big surf on the beach and not at all appealing outside. We did look at some properties and now know what we are really seaching for and what it will cost us. We all had mushroom ravioli with onion sauce for our first course. For secundos I had sadinas al la plancha.

For lunch we chose to stay insid and went to El Castell for lunch. This is our second visit and is an outstanding bargain. Sharon and Katie had butifara and Jorge chose stuffed duck legs. All good and at 12.50€ with wine, bread, and postre a real bargain

Our rosado of the day we found at a local wine store. A rosado from Raventos. Very good.


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