Sunday, September 1, 2013

What? Still in Redmond?

Yep, still here and still having a good time but I am winding down. On Friday afternoon, after Anika's soccer practice the kids went to Kendra's and John, Kristie and I have been enjoying adult time. But before I get into that...

Thursday we were off to a very late start because I was sitting outside practicing my ukulele and the kids were watching videos. As a nanny, I do have my failings. We finally made it out of here around noon for a delicious lunch at Smith Rock Brewing. This is the place in Redmond with the best onion rings in the world, or maybe the U.S., or at least Oregon - but the best ones I have ever had. Then back at home we attempted to get two inflatable tubes into a Kia Soul along with two kids and me. We eventually partially deflated the tubes and brought a pump,with us. As comfortable as,the Kia Soul is for four people, there is not a lot of room for anything else. We headed for Cline Creek Falls with the intention of riding the tubes down the Deschuttes River over and over. But the river was running high. Avery declared that he was not comfortable with the depth or the speed of the current so we moved on. We tried Tumalo State Park about twenty miles away and upstream from Cline Creek and though running a little high, much more manageable. We spent some time there with Avery playing in the water and Anika trying to lure in chipmunks with treats. I just laid back in the grass and relaxed. Our next stop was Goody's Candy and Ice Cream in Bend for cones. Their ice cream is delicious!

Friday morning was "cake for breakfast" morning and Anika took full advantage. Avery stuck with peanut butter toast and I had eggs. We were out of the house by 9:15 and headed form the hills - Mt. Bachelor. We ended up at Sparks Lake Recreation Area which included Sparks Lake. Anika harrassed frogs and Avery fished. I watched and grabbed some photos. This is a beautiful spot and perfect if you have a kayak or canoe. Great paddling location. Though we were afoot, Avery, wading in a little bit was able to hook into and land three fish. They were small but frisky trout. He had a number of other bites but did not land them. Anika found a friend and commenced to catch and harrass the small frog population. We had a nice time there and then left for Bend around 12:30. Our goal was the Deschuttes Brewery and Public House for lunch. I enjoyed an Armory XPA and a burger while Avery had a burger and Anika pizza and fries. We all had a good time and then it was time to get back to Redmond. Anika had to get to soccer practice after having more cake. That cake came back to haunt her after practice.

After practice it was back to Kendra's for the kids and then an adult dinner for Kristie, John, and Colby. Mexican food and margaritas. Yum!

On Saturday Kristie, John, and I visited some. garage sales in Redmond and then some antique stores. I scored a cool fish shaped bottle and wine opener for $2.95. Then we headed for Redmond for The Little Woody. This was a barrell aged beer tasting which was also supposed to include a whiskey tasting. We never found the whiskey but enjoyed the beers. A lot of fun. Then we did a quick Costco run for some beef and then home to Redmond for steak, potatoes, and whiskey. Ummmm.

Sunday took John to work and Kristie and I hung out doing very little. Krisitie did house cleaning and then crocheting and I read and practiced the ukulele until we both got hungry. We had a tasty lunch and beers in Terrabone and then came home to veg. More crochet work for Kristie and more ukulele playing for me.

Winding down in Redmond. I am on my way back to Chicago on Tuesday. Happy Labor Day y'all!

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