Thursday, September 19, 2013

Chicadees and Congress

As I sit outside this evening I am surrounded by the voices of chickadees talking to each other. It is a happy sound. We had chickadees nesting in our yard this spring and their voices were constant, and then the young ones fledged. Then there were no more chickadee voices for months. Now they are back. Where did they go and what brought them back?

What in the world do the Republicans in Congress think they are doing? They are simply irresponsible. The vote today to cut $40 billion from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) was unconscionable. They also want to defund the Affordable Care Act and shut down government. Does it not matter that SNAP helps families? Does it not matter that the Affordable Care Act helps families? Apparently not. All that seems to matter is opposing the President. Let's see some defense cuts. Let's see some reduction in corporate welfare. Let's see something to bring jobs back, increase the minimum wage, support the economy and people. Got an alternative to reduce health care costs and ensure people an afford insurance? Put it on the table.

From Congressman Emanuel Cleaver II - "Cutting $40 billion from SNAP hurts children, seniors, and veterans. It is not reform, it is not responsible, and it just isn't right."

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