Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hop Growing Lessons

This is my second year of hop growing and I learned more this year than last. My biggest lesson - hops LOVE sun. I built a trellis this year but made the mistake of orienting it from north to south. There were more hops along the top and the south side than on the north. And rougue hop vines that escaped to the south side of the garage, around the corner from the trellis did exceptionally well, producing many hops.

Next spring I will rebuild the trellis into two free standing poles with ropes or wires running from the top to the ground. This should allow more sun on the northern pole. I may also add a pole on the south side of the garage. I think I also need to pay more attention to pruning the hop bines. Too many large bines not producing hops.

Finaly, when it is time to harvest, I should have a beer maker already lined up and ensure they have some skin in the game with them helping to harvest! This year I also could have harvested a week or two earlier.


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