Friday, September 6, 2013

iPad Blogging Frustrations

The iPad keyboard has been frustrating me for a long time. I tend to hit either the N, M, comma, or period when I intend to hit the space. Because the on screen keyboard is not tactile and is small, it is easy to hit the wrong key. The solution has always been out there, but I had personal issues with spending up to $100 for a keyboard and then having something else to carry around with me, so I resisted. Until this week. I ordered a bluetooth keyboard through Amazon. It is a Sharkk  brand and was only $24.99. UPS delivered it Wednesday and I am delighted. It is small, came with a velvet case, has a USB rechargeable battery, and the keys have a very satisfying feel. It works. And it has another advantage, because a keyboard is no longer displayed over the screen as I write, the editor I primarily use for blogging is a bit easier to use.

Notes on blogging editors - I use Blogsy most of the time because it handles photos well. It has a major failing though - no spell checker. I need a spell checker for all of my typos. I can use the Blogger editor which does have a spell checker, but doesn't handle photos as well. Generally I find myself going back and forth between the two. If you know of a better editor that works well with posting to and handles photos well, please let me know!

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