Wednesday, August 28, 2013

And more Redmond.

Sunday afternoon brought severe thunder storms to Redmond. I have never seen so much rain here. There was lightning and thunder and hail and wind, oh my! We did have a beautiful sunset when it was all over.

With John's and Kristie's schedules not cooperating so that they could carpool and give me one of their cars, I rented one. Monday morning the kids and I went to the local Fred Meyer for groceries and a resupply of paracord. Avery and Anika have both been paracord tying fools.

When we got home, Anika and I started making a cake but discovered we had run out of eggs. Off to the big Wal-Mart for eggs and cereal (just try to keep Anika away from the sugared cereals.) On the way home the car beeped at me and told me there was a tire with low air pressure. We pulled into the driveway and Anika heard a hiss. Avery looked and saw a razor blade sticking out of the tire. Avery and Anika then learned how to jack up a car and change a tire. Everyone pitched in and we had fun. If you are in need to tire changing skills, these two can help you out. Oh, we were surprised when we pulled the never used spare out of the trunk that there was money in the well. We collected it all and Avery counted $2.40 plus a pack of pencil leads. Score!

With the tire changing interlude, a cake to bake and ice, and a trip to the airport to trade in our car, our plans for the day were altered. But we had fun never the less. First, our new car is a Kia Soul - like the ones in the commercials with the fat hampsters. We took advantage of the car for some posing. I must admit the this funky looking thing is comfortable and fun to drive.

Next it was cake icing time. We had baked it in a 13x9 pan, so after it cooled I cut it in half so that we could have a layer cake. Anika did a great job applying the icing to the cake, and the counter, and herself. That evening everyone agreed we had done a good job.

Tuesday was a lazy morning with Avery and Anika watching iCarly videos and me taking care of the routines of bills and phone calls. When I was done with the chores I got out my ukulele to practice. The kids told me to be quiet so I moved out to the front porch. It was rather nice. to sit out there inmthe sun and strum away. We then headed to Bend for lunch with Kendra and then a movie - Despicible Me 2. I loved it!


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