Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Redmond in August.


Headed out to Oregon again to spend time with John, Kristie, Kendra, Avery, and Anika. Sharon was generous and we used her miles to fly me first class. Ain't she wonderful?

Uneventful flight from Chicago to Seattle and then on to Redmond. My bag didn't make it though until Wednesday afternoon. There seems to be a problem for me getting myself and my bags from Chicago to Redmond and back. On three of my last four flights here my bag has not made it. Once going west and twice going east. You would think the odds of this happening 75% of the time would ensure it would not happen.

I spent my first night on the couch which was just fine. The rest of my time here I will alternate between the kids bedrooms. No one wants to share a room with be because I snore! Fancy that.

Today, Wednesday has been a down day. I made a few phone calls and waited on my bag. Practiced the ukulele. I am getting better. Did some dishes, took a nap and have been planning dinner. I'm making Arroz con Pollo. Consider this a day of rest to prepare for full days with Avery and Anika! They were at Boys and Girls Club today.


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