Sunday, December 27, 2015

Final Preparations

We are days away from our drive to Longmont, tensions have been high because of Sharon's work, the holidays, and the upcoming proof of concept trip to Longmont, Colorado. Each day I think of something new that must be done before we leave. Today it was taking care of all the storm windows on the house, taking down the Christmas tree and putting away decorations. These are both done. Another chore was putting the trailer hitch on the Volvo, but Because of the cold outside, I am going to delegate that to J&R in Glen Ellyn. It should be under $100. Oh, then our dryer died this morning. No heat. I'll make a trip to Young's appliances tomorrow morning. This will cost either about $300 for repairs or $1,000 for a new dryer. Our real estate agent comes over tomorrow evening, Sharon has a dentist appointment tomorrow, I am trying to get in a Naturopath appointment, I get my hair cut Tuesday and we pick up Kathy, Kevin, and Brady from O'Hare Tuesday. I am going to try and get the car packed on Wednesday because I work Thursday. We have reviewed and reduced our lists of what we are taking. It is easier to go to Spain for six weeks than to drive to Colorado for seven weeks.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Political Correctness?

What has gotten under the bonnet of the right with their concern over political correctness? Why is it not OK to say happy holidays? I don't feel like saying Merry Christmas damn it.

I think the political correctness that they hate is the same as old fashioned politeness and consideration with a new name. I have always tried to be polite and considerate of others, does the right consider that wrong? Apparently.

Shopping Carts VS. Cars

Today in Costco I had to deal with customers who likely drive much like they push a shopping cart. Moving down the aisle and decide to stop? How about pulling to the side? There are others sharing the aisle with you? Intersections? Just bull through or on the other extreme, be so tentative you are frozen in place. Winding back and forth. Stay on your side! Taking up the whole aisle. No point in keeping to one side so that others can share the aisle with you. The crutch? How did you make it into the store under your own power if you have to lean on your cart to walk? Can you go any slower? In the parking lot, walk slowly, and diagonally across the traffic lane. Obstruct cars as much as possible. Put your cart in the cart corral? Naw, someone else will take care of it.

Then they get in their cars. Signal? Must be broken. Stay in their lane? Not a chance. Four way stops? Haven't a clue how to handle them. Drive across aisles or in the wrong direction in the parking lot because. they can.

I must have had a bad cart pushing and car driving day.

Bah humbug!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Random Thoughts

Older homes have a narrative of the families who have lived in them and around them. Ours have a narritive going back to the 1920s when it was built. We know little of that narrative other tha. the 21 years we have lived here we know the Halquist family came before us and the Anderson family before them. Our 21 years here have been comfortable and the house has been filled with friends and family. We are still comfortable and content here.

Which brings me to thoughts on moving to Colorado. The cold last couple of winters here and my body's issues with that cold are what has prompted our looking into moving to Colorado. This is why we are renting a house for seven weeks in Longmont. If the weather is milder during those months and the sun is shining I may be more comfortable with my neuropathy. Sharon pointed out this week that we shouldn't make a move based on change for the sake of change and she is right. I have been excited about the possibility of change - a new modern home, a new city to explore, mountains to see, trout streams to stand in. But, we should look at what we might give up. Leaving friends behind, being 600 more miles from Kathy, Kevin, and Brady. For me that is somewhat offset by being 800 miles closer to John, Kristie, Avery, and Anika.

Today I used J&R Automotive in Glen Ellyn to replace sway bar links on Red. They have been in Glen Ellyn longer than we have and I have never used them for automobile service. I drove over there at about 7:15 this morning, dropped off the car, and walked home. They called shortly with an estimate and I had them replace all four sway bar links, front and back. Total cost $340. The same service from the Mazda dealer which I will no longer go to, $322 for the front and $522 for the rear. J&R was done by 9:30 and I walked back over there to get the car. Easy.

As I walked back and forth from J&R and our house I looked at all of the houses along the way. Some are in fantastic condition, some are not but, back to the first paragraph here, they all have a narrative. We will start a new narrative if we purchase a new home in Colorado.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Today I have been thinking about changes that happen when you move. New neighborhoods mean new grocery stores, new cleaners, new hardware stores, new doctors, new friends, new experiences. Changes in latitude and changes in attitude. We have been in Glen Ellyn for 21 years and everything around us is familiar. We don't think about how to get somewhere or where to go. We know. We just know. If a cat needs care, we know which vet to call. If we need service on our heater, we know who to call. If we need a new appliance, we know where to go. If we need dinner, we know where to go. In a new town, we have to discover those all anew. All of this came to mind while picking out a Christmas tree and wreaths at Hacker's today. They have become our go to for a ything related to plants. We will miss them, and all the other easy go tos in Glen Ellyn.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Denver/Boulder Radar

Denver/Boulder Radar

Weather Underground Longmont

Longmont And Chicago Weather Graphs

I was online comparing Glen Ellyn to Longmont weather and found this web site which lets me post html into the blog. Theses are averages from 1961 to 1990. I wish the data was more current. This is from Now I'm off to find another source.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Haters Gotta Hate

Have you noticed the new target of the haters in this country is Muslims and more specifically Syrian refugee Muslims? Mexicans are off the hook for a while. Perhaps because they are likely Catholic and not Muslim they are not to be feared as much. But wait, many fundamentalist "Christians" don't count being Catholic as being Christian, but still, they aren't Muslim so it is OK. Why are we not worried  about people from France and Belguim coming here? I don't understand, from what we know right now the Paris terrorists were all from France and Belgium. Not scary enough for the fear mongers to work with?

I'm surprised Trump has not yet proposed the wall between the United States and Mexico be extended ALL around the country to keep everyone out.

The Borowitz Report agrees.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

A Fall Afternoon

This afternoon I sat in the back yard enjoying a cigar and a tasty Clown Shoes Chocolate Sombrero Stout. As the sun went down it cooled off and the squirrels came to visit and scrounge around the bird feeder. They were enjoying seed I had dropped while cleaning and refilling the feeder and leftover homemade focaccia Sharon had put out earlier. I saw one black squirrel which surprised me because while I had seen many of them last winter, I have seen none all through the summer. Do they migrate? Earlier today I had put an old air compressor out at the end of the driveway. When Lee retired it from service I took it on about 10 years ago and it served me well. But it had a slow leak and I had acquired another one to replace it. Someone tracked me down in the back and asked if I was giving it away. I was pleased that someone who would use it found it and it did not end up with as metal scrap. I told them it was old but worked fine but had a slow leak and required 20 amps. They were thrilled.

While I was out enjoying my cigar and stout I finished a book by Don Petterson "Old Man on a Bicycle" - A Ride Across America and How to Realize a More Enjoyable Old Age. A most enjoyable book by a man who has lead a remarkable life. Find it on Kindle!


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Fall Bike Ride And Veterans Day

A late afternoon ride to a big park in Lombard. They have a nice playground, pool with water slide, disc golfcourse, sledding hill, lots of open space, and a Veterans memorial.

I moved my music related stuff into the newly painted sun room/music room at the front of the house. We have been here for twenty one years and this room has languished as we never decided what to do with it. Last week I pulled everything of the room and called Todd and asked him if his pai ters cou,d strip wallpaper and paint the room. Lee put up crown molding and it was done all for about $1,200. It looks nice and the acoustics are wonderful.

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Not much activity here at Casa Jordan for Halloween. We had a cold and rainy day and by sunset the trick or treaters were gone. We gave out a combination of kazoos and candy. The kazoos were well received. I sat by the front door, on the inside, played my ukulele and kazoo, Shelby watched the door, and we waited for kiddos. Sharon had that duty before I got home and she didn't see many kiddos either.


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Kitchens Designed By Non-Cooks

As I look at homes for sale in the Dnver area I notice that many kitchens which look lovely are not practical for real use. Someone who does not cook has had their hand in designing kitchens for people who do not cook. All fluff and appearence. Gourmet kitchen? Chef's kitchen? Nope. Sharon and I cook. We use our kitchen every day and appreciate the layout and know what we would enjoy and use in a kitchen design. I just wish we could get a self cleaning kitchen!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Colorado Success

Our hope for this trip to Boulder was primarily to locate a fully furnished rental for January and February for our "proof of concept" Colorado stay. After looking for a furnished rental for the past month or so, I was quite frustrated and discouraged. I did find something last week that looked encouraging. We visited that one yesterday and came to terms this morning. Then, today we spent several hours with our Realtor, Kevin MacInness and got a great general tour of the area and looked at several homes. In our two days so far in Boulder we have greatly exceeded our expectations. We've got a 3 bedroom house rental, in a nice neighborhood, in a town we like and we've seen what to expect in new and recent construction in the Boulder area. I'm smiling again. Now we can have some fun.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Contemplating Boulder

Sharon and I are planning on spending January and February in Boulder in order to determine if my neuropathy will be better in the winter there than in Glen Ellyn, and to determine if we really want to live there, The past few days I have been contemplating that two months and wondering what I will do with myself while Sharon is working. I won't be working, unless I can find a part time part time gig as I have here. That should be one of my goals.

Currently, even during the winter, I have things to do around the house to keep me usefully occupied in addition to my three days a week selling booze. Yes, there is house work to do, shopping, cooking, cleaning, yard stuff, home maintenance, ukulele playing here but does all of that work anywhere? I can explore the Denver area, the public transportation, the museums, the neighborhoods, sights, bike paths, fly fishing, ukulele clubs, photography. But really, will I be constructively occupied? Initially I can locate family doctors, oncologists, naturopaths, veterinarians, grocery stores, cafes, bistros, wine stores, breweries, libraries, etc. Perhaps a trip to a National Park? While I am in Boulder I will have at least one trip to Redmond to see John, Kristie, Avery, and Anika.

As I write this I am smoking a brisket outside. I won't be doing that in Boulder while we are there. I am learning the words and chords for "Nobody Knows You When You Are Down And Out" but I can do that anywhere.

Interestingly, I can see myself in Sitges for a couple of months each year because I have a routine there. Coffee and breakfast, then strolling the town, perhaps a bike ride, then lunch, then a nap, then time at the beach, then shopping for dinner, then chilling and maybe playing the ukulele, then dinner, then a stroll in town, then a nightcap, then bed. And then perhaps a day in Barcelona and then back to Sitges. It seems I may need to quickly establish a routine in Boulder.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Sunshine and Ukulele Acquisition Syndrome


I woke up this morning to sunshine after a few dreary days. It does change and improve my attitude to see sun. This really is one of my issues with Chicago in the winter time - clouds. I can deal with cold better if there is sun to go along with it. I just looked up the stats. On average Chicago gets 189 days a year that are sunny or partly sunny. The numbers are the worst from October through April where Chicago sees sun less than 50% of the time and some months about 30%. Looking at Denver for comparison, it sees the sun 245 days a year. Their worst month is February but even then they have sun over 50% of the month. We are planning two months in Denver in 2016, I'll compare the sun and temperatures and snowfall and report back!

Ukulele Acquisition Syndrome is closely related to Guitar Acquisition Syndrome or Gear Acquisition Syndrome. According to Wikipedia:

Gear Acquisition Syndrome (sometimes Guitar Acquisition Syndrome, both abbreviated to GAS) is a term used to describe an urge to acquire and accumulate lots of gear. This term commonly associated with:
Guitarists (tend to acquire guitars, guitar amplifiers, pedals, effects processors)
Keyboard / synth players (tend to acquire keyboards, synthesizers, samplers, effects units, etc)
Drummers(various drums, percussion, drumsticks)
Audiophiles (amplifiers, headphones, speakers, etc)
Photographers (cameras and its parts - bodies, lens, mounts, filters, flash, etc.)
Bike accessories (racks, lights, fenders, etc.)
The term "GAS" was coined by Walter Becker in 1996 in his article G.A.S. in Guitar Player[1] as "Guitar Acquisition Syndrome". The term started to be frequently used by guitarists and spread out to other musicians who were familiar with similar tendencies. As it no longer concerns guitars only, GAS is now commonly backronym
GAS shouldn't be confused with collection.

I must be serially afflicted because I see in this definition my behavior as it relates to photography, biking, and ukuleles. I also realize I suffer from Information Acquisition Syndrome.

My basement is full of photo equipment dating back to about 1972 and I promise I will wade through it and only keep what I need. My bike has everything it needs, but I can always use new bike shorts or shoes and why not a mountain bike while I am at it? Ukuleles? I've got five and I think I am satisfied. Two sopranos, one koa from Ko'aloha and one plastic from Outdoor Ukulele. Two concerts, a travel Kala and one for home a beautiful Ohana. One tenor from Mainland Ukuleles with a big sound and a low G. Related is the kazoo and the keyboard and a few gadgets and lots of books!

I admit I have a problem. But, the next ukulele is always beautiful or sounds wonderful or.... I can justify all of them, except probably the first one I bought and the last one I bought. My only disappointment is the plastic one from Outdoor Ukulele with a buzzing C string that won't go away.

I suppose this syndrome applies to wine, and cookbooks, and travel, and power tools, and bourbon. I am in trouble.


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Fall Is Here And I Don't Like It!

Fall has me depressed! I don't want the warmth of the summer sun to go away.

I've been reviewing photos from May through now and realized that it has been a wonderful travel filled summer. I have been to Barcelona and Paris and Sitges and Girona and Boulder and Redmond and New York and Davenport and Austin and many places in between. I've been with wonderful friends and family and had a wonderful time. I shouldn't complain about the end of summer because winter adventures await!

Thursday, September 24, 2015


Sharon and I are climbing out of Austin piloted by Captain Dave. We came in Saturday afternoon and have had a wonderful visit with old friends since our arrival.
We stayed with Deborah and Duane Campbell in Pflugerville. It has been years since our last visit. I drove through here in 1996 or 1997 on my way from visiting my father in Houston. That would be 18 or 19 years ago. Neither us remember. I do know that I flew in and out once before through Austin Bergstrom Airport. I do know that Austin has grown and changed tremendously since I was last here. In one regard I feel they paved paradise and built, not a parking lot, but miles of tollway. The concrete contractors have made out like champs.

As we were approaching Austin on Saturday I was getting nostalgic about Austin, central Texas, and the hill country and wondering why I didn't want to move back here. I've got generations of ties to Austin and Texas. Now I think it is a great place to visit but I don't need to live here again.

On Sunday Sharon and went exploring from Pflugerville, up through Hutto then Taylor and then toward Georgetown and then into Round Rock where we ate brisket and beef ribs at Salt Lick. I had wanted to go to Louis Mueller's in Taylor but they were closed on Sunday. Taylor is looking sad, progress has passed it by. Round Rock is booming and mostly unrecognizable, but I did manage to drive down Chisholm Trail and across Brushy Creek where we got a glimpse of the round rock. Between the heat and the dryness we remembered why we live in Glen Ellyn rather than Austin. In the evening we drove to south Austin to Strange Brew for an evening of music from Trout Fishing in America and Dana Louise and the Glorious Birds. We all had a great time.
Monday saw us taking it easy. Sharon did some work and we went shopping with Deborah. Sharon and I drove to Beverly and Rebecca's home in the afternoon for a very nice visit and catching up with each other's lives.
Tuesday. Sharon spent much of her day working. Me? Reading. Sharon made an awesome cheese cake while Deborah made charro beans and rice and we headed back to Beverly and Rebecca's. Pete and Audry Deckinga joined us and we had a marvelous time taliking and dining and drinking. Rebecca introduced us to Miracle Seeds. Ever tried them? Quite an experience with changing taste buds.
Wednesday and departure day. Sharon and I went shopping. This time to Burnet Road and Karavel shoes where I got some Clark Waves and some orthopedic inserts. I turned it over to a sales person there and she seemed to know what she was doing. I feel these should be comfortable to work in. We shall see. Our next stop was at Fiddler's Green to shop ukuleles. Wow! They have a great selection of many stringed instruments. I now have a new one, an Ohana concert ukulele with a solid cedar top and rosewood body and it sounds great.Thankyou Sharon.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Colby and Sharon Visit Redmond

We went to Redmond the first week of September to visit John, Kristie, Avery, and Anika. The weather cooperated and cleared the smoke from the Redmond area, but it was a bit cool at night. Avery is on the JV soccer team for his first year at Ridgeview High School and Anika is starting middle school. We drove Avery back and forth for soccer practice and games, took on a craft project with Anika, ate some pretty darn good meals, and otherwise took it easy for the kiddos last week before school.


Sharon has been going to Orangetheory fitness for quite some time now, and she is getting more and more fit. I suppose I was jealous and more and more concerned about my fitness and I began looking for ways to up my game. I've been biking regularly for over a year now and know it has helped me but I wanted to step it up. I chose to get a Polar heat rate monitor and focus on heart health. This is one of the keys with Sharon's visits to Orangetheory, they wear heart rate sensors and strive to stay in higher heart rate zone to improve cardiovascular health.

In the month I have been using a heart rate monitor while riding And targeted a maximum heart rate of 152. I can't get there yet because my legs give out too soon! I can however get up to and slightly above 130. I have been able to spend more time at heart rate levels 3 and 4 and I have seen my at rest heart rate fall from about 72 to about 62. My recovery time has improved also. In a short time I have seen visible results for consciously watching my heart rate as I exercise.

I am still enjoying my rides, getting in about three a week. I have been sticking with the Illinois Prairie Path going either east or west from Glen Ellyn. I can get on the path within two blocks of the house and simply have to decide which way to turn onto the Prairie Path. The crushed limestone surface means more rolling resistance than on pavement, dust when it is dry, and wet cement when it is wet, but in general it is good to ride on. There are the occasional asshat riders going too fast and not announcing when they are passing, and those that ignore cross traffic, and those that ride two or three abreast. But, the majority of riders and walkers and runners share the path with courtesy.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Life Without Our Maple Tree

I do miss the old maple in our yard. It was a friend for all of the almost 22 years we have lived here, but its time was done. Our back yard is transformed, and the west side of our house gets hotter now, but the birds at our feeder seem to be more abundant so I suppose it is not all bad. In the late afternoon we are still shaded by the maple next door and the back yard cools off nicely. I can sit in the back and observe the comings and goings of the neighbors and watch the doves come to peck. This fall and winter I will enjoy the warmth from burning maple in the fire pit and the fireplace. The old tree gave us plenty of wood for that. Different but good. I miss you!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

What? No New York City Posts?

Subtitle: Our trip to NYC from July 18 to 22 to visit Larry and Dave!

After an awful flight experience on Saturday night getting from Chicago to New York over three hours late, we were able to spend a few delightful though hot and humid days with Larry and Dave in New York City, seeing the sights and eating the food.

I got Stuart with a ukulele. Sharon got new sunglasses.


Argh! Colby Is Ranting Again

Rant #1

Illinois bicycle laws - apparently rules are not for everyone. At least slow down for a stop sign and DO NOT ignore traffic signals.  Even Peg, one of my biking gods, argues that traffic signals are not for cyclists is traffic is clear. (Though her car's license plate surround says "Same rights, same rules.") She claims that biking is all about momentum. To me, that does not mean you can ignore the rules of the road. I will admit to rolling through stop signs unless there is a car coming. But, I wait for a red light to go green before I go at a traffic signal controlled intersection. Most cyclists have no idea what the rules are, and in fact know a dismal few of the rules hey should follow in a car.

Rant #2

Biking in downtown Glen Ellyn - posted signs say no bikes on the downtown sidewalks. I get off and walk my bike while having to avoid adults and kids who choose to ride theirs.

Rant #3

Prairie Path riding and walking etiquette. Single file please! Move over! Announce you are passing! Don't block the path! Cars, if you stop for a train, don't stop across the path crossing! Share!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Iced Coffee

I have been a fan of iced coffee for years, not drinking it all the time but when the opportunity was right. Now I will make more opportunities. I have discovered cold brewed coffee and it is nice! On a whim I bought a Hario Mizudashi Pot on Amazon. It is easy to use and makes delicious coffee, but it does take time! About 12 hours, and 24 is better.

Why cold brewed. Taste. Richer flavor, less bitter, and minimal dilution. I find I am drinking it straight with no ice and no milk or sugar and it is great.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Kathy Runs A 13.1

On Saturday June 27 we headed to Madison to meet Kathy and Brady and friends before their 1/2 marathon run on Sunday. We made it to town around 7:00 in time to join them for a nice dinner then every one retired to prepare for the race which would come early Sunday morning.

We met Kathy and Brady and many other runners before 7:00 am to ride a shuttle bus to the race site. Everyone was keyed up and ready to go and then the skies opened up with rain! It let up bit by the time we arrived at the race site, but everyone was seeking cover. Thankfully the rain stopped at the start of the race and stayed away through the event.

It was our job to entertain Brady. Turns out she is not a morning person and she was grouchy. However, a little breakfast and some juice and some time on the iPhone and she was happier.

Kathy had a good race, finishing in just over her 3 hour target which made her very happy. We did what we could to fill our time and Brady's time. If we do this again we will not take the shuttle bus, but rather drive so that we have a car available.