Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Today I have been thinking about changes that happen when you move. New neighborhoods mean new grocery stores, new cleaners, new hardware stores, new doctors, new friends, new experiences. Changes in latitude and changes in attitude. We have been in Glen Ellyn for 21 years and everything around us is familiar. We don't think about how to get somewhere or where to go. We know. We just know. If a cat needs care, we know which vet to call. If we need service on our heater, we know who to call. If we need a new appliance, we know where to go. If we need dinner, we know where to go. In a new town, we have to discover those all anew. All of this came to mind while picking out a Christmas tree and wreaths at Hacker's today. They have become our go to for a ything related to plants. We will miss them, and all the other easy go tos in Glen Ellyn.

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