Sunday, December 27, 2015

Final Preparations

We are days away from our drive to Longmont, tensions have been high because of Sharon's work, the holidays, and the upcoming proof of concept trip to Longmont, Colorado. Each day I think of something new that must be done before we leave. Today it was taking care of all the storm windows on the house, taking down the Christmas tree and putting away decorations. These are both done. Another chore was putting the trailer hitch on the Volvo, but Because of the cold outside, I am going to delegate that to J&R in Glen Ellyn. It should be under $100. Oh, then our dryer died this morning. No heat. I'll make a trip to Young's appliances tomorrow morning. This will cost either about $300 for repairs or $1,000 for a new dryer. Our real estate agent comes over tomorrow evening, Sharon has a dentist appointment tomorrow, I am trying to get in a Naturopath appointment, I get my hair cut Tuesday and we pick up Kathy, Kevin, and Brady from O'Hare Tuesday. I am going to try and get the car packed on Wednesday because I work Thursday. We have reviewed and reduced our lists of what we are taking. It is easier to go to Spain for six weeks than to drive to Colorado for seven weeks.

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