Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Shopping Carts VS. Cars

Today in Costco I had to deal with customers who likely drive much like they push a shopping cart. Moving down the aisle and decide to stop? How about pulling to the side? There are others sharing the aisle with you? Intersections? Just bull through or on the other extreme, be so tentative you are frozen in place. Winding back and forth. Stay on your side! Taking up the whole aisle. No point in keeping to one side so that others can share the aisle with you. The crutch? How did you make it into the store under your own power if you have to lean on your cart to walk? Can you go any slower? In the parking lot, walk slowly, and diagonally across the traffic lane. Obstruct cars as much as possible. Put your cart in the cart corral? Naw, someone else will take care of it.

Then they get in their cars. Signal? Must be broken. Stay in their lane? Not a chance. Four way stops? Haven't a clue how to handle them. Drive across aisles or in the wrong direction in the parking lot because. they can.

I must have had a bad cart pushing and car driving day.

Bah humbug!

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