Monday, September 14, 2015


Sharon has been going to Orangetheory fitness for quite some time now, and she is getting more and more fit. I suppose I was jealous and more and more concerned about my fitness and I began looking for ways to up my game. I've been biking regularly for over a year now and know it has helped me but I wanted to step it up. I chose to get a Polar heat rate monitor and focus on heart health. This is one of the keys with Sharon's visits to Orangetheory, they wear heart rate sensors and strive to stay in higher heart rate zone to improve cardiovascular health.

In the month I have been using a heart rate monitor while riding And targeted a maximum heart rate of 152. I can't get there yet because my legs give out too soon! I can however get up to and slightly above 130. I have been able to spend more time at heart rate levels 3 and 4 and I have seen my at rest heart rate fall from about 72 to about 62. My recovery time has improved also. In a short time I have seen visible results for consciously watching my heart rate as I exercise.

I am still enjoying my rides, getting in about three a week. I have been sticking with the Illinois Prairie Path going either east or west from Glen Ellyn. I can get on the path within two blocks of the house and simply have to decide which way to turn onto the Prairie Path. The crushed limestone surface means more rolling resistance than on pavement, dust when it is dry, and wet cement when it is wet, but in general it is good to ride on. There are the occasional asshat riders going too fast and not announcing when they are passing, and those that ignore cross traffic, and those that ride two or three abreast. But, the majority of riders and walkers and runners share the path with courtesy.

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