Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Contemplating Boulder

Sharon and I are planning on spending January and February in Boulder in order to determine if my neuropathy will be better in the winter there than in Glen Ellyn, and to determine if we really want to live there, The past few days I have been contemplating that two months and wondering what I will do with myself while Sharon is working. I won't be working, unless I can find a part time part time gig as I have here. That should be one of my goals.

Currently, even during the winter, I have things to do around the house to keep me usefully occupied in addition to my three days a week selling booze. Yes, there is house work to do, shopping, cooking, cleaning, yard stuff, home maintenance, ukulele playing here but does all of that work anywhere? I can explore the Denver area, the public transportation, the museums, the neighborhoods, sights, bike paths, fly fishing, ukulele clubs, photography. But really, will I be constructively occupied? Initially I can locate family doctors, oncologists, naturopaths, veterinarians, grocery stores, cafes, bistros, wine stores, breweries, libraries, etc. Perhaps a trip to a National Park? While I am in Boulder I will have at least one trip to Redmond to see John, Kristie, Avery, and Anika.

As I write this I am smoking a brisket outside. I won't be doing that in Boulder while we are there. I am learning the words and chords for "Nobody Knows You When You Are Down And Out" but I can do that anywhere.

Interestingly, I can see myself in Sitges for a couple of months each year because I have a routine there. Coffee and breakfast, then strolling the town, perhaps a bike ride, then lunch, then a nap, then time at the beach, then shopping for dinner, then chilling and maybe playing the ukulele, then dinner, then a stroll in town, then a nightcap, then bed. And then perhaps a day in Barcelona and then back to Sitges. It seems I may need to quickly establish a routine in Boulder.

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