Sunday, November 15, 2015

A Fall Afternoon

This afternoon I sat in the back yard enjoying a cigar and a tasty Clown Shoes Chocolate Sombrero Stout. As the sun went down it cooled off and the squirrels came to visit and scrounge around the bird feeder. They were enjoying seed I had dropped while cleaning and refilling the feeder and leftover homemade focaccia Sharon had put out earlier. I saw one black squirrel which surprised me because while I had seen many of them last winter, I have seen none all through the summer. Do they migrate? Earlier today I had put an old air compressor out at the end of the driveway. When Lee retired it from service I took it on about 10 years ago and it served me well. But it had a slow leak and I had acquired another one to replace it. Someone tracked me down in the back and asked if I was giving it away. I was pleased that someone who would use it found it and it did not end up with as metal scrap. I told them it was old but worked fine but had a slow leak and required 20 amps. They were thrilled.

While I was out enjoying my cigar and stout I finished a book by Don Petterson "Old Man on a Bicycle" - A Ride Across America and How to Realize a More Enjoyable Old Age. A most enjoyable book by a man who has lead a remarkable life. Find it on Kindle!


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