Friday, February 19, 2016

On The Road

We left Longmont this morning and headed east. This evening we are at a New Victorian Inn in Lincoln, Nebraska. They allow pets and it is a comfortable place. Shelby is very content here though L.C. is under the bed.

The cats did pretty well on the drive, settling down after about an hour. They were ready to get out of the car at end of the day though. I think eight hours is enough for them and for us too.


The trip was uneventful though traffic picked up quite a bit the last 100 miles or so into Lincoln. High point might have been our bald eagle sighting out near Kearney. Oh, and coming into Lincoln, Lola our GPS, took us right through downtown Lincoln. She is so enterprising.

We are in our room after a Friday night dinner at the local Red Lobster. We ate at the bar rather than wait for a table. Friday night, Lent, what are you gonna do? Are there a lot of Catlickers in Lincoln? While we drove we talked about our new home and life in Longmont Colorado, and we are happy and content with our choices. Yes, we are making major changes in our lives, and leaving friends behind in Chicago, but we will be building new friendships and will still see and visit with old friends. Sometimes change is good and this is one of those times.

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