Sunday, February 14, 2016

Almost Done

We are winding down our stay in Longmont. Everything seems to be coming together on our house. This past Thursday we did a walk through with the builder and on Friday we received a message from the mortgage company that we had conditional approval for our loan. This weekend we sent them the additional documents they are looking for. We are scheduled to close on Wednesday morning. The cash from Fidelity should show up in our account here on Tuesday morning. I've arranged for gas service to the new house but have to visit the City of Longmont for electricity, garbage, sewer, etc. on Tuesday. We've taken lots of pictures and many measurements. We've visited furniture stores to look at furniture we might need and a nursery to talk about landscaping. We have discovered restaurants and grocery stores and liquor stores and other shops around Longmont. We have looked at refrigerators at Lowe's and Home Depot. This week we will start packing the car for our return and clean this house. We have entertained guests and had lunches and dinners with friends. It has been a busy visit to Longmont! Whew!

Hard to believe that in a few days we will own a home here and the next time we are planning to be here it will be to move into our new home (though I suspect it will be do do a final walk through after the builder passes it on after their lease.) Did I mention the builder is leasing the house back from us for up to six months? This takes some of the pressure off of selling our house in Glen Ellyn.

The weather here is quite something and I have a lot to learn about it here. Very different from Chicago with different dynamics at work. I will have fun getting to know the patterns for all of the seasons. I am fascinated that Longmont weather is not Boulder weather is not Denver weather.

Oh, and the stars are so much brighter here - and more of them! Telescope in my future?

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