Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Mortgage Loan Frustrations

One thing is holding up our mortgage loan - and account number for a Macy's credit card. Just the account number.

The day after we arrived in Longmont Sharon and I went to Macy's in Boulder to pick up a few items for the kitchen in our rental as well as a blanket and pillow for the bed. Macy's had a sale and of course the usual additional % off is you open a Macy's account. I did not have a Macy's account and I signed up. We spent about $190 and got about $50 off. A good deal right?

It was a good deal until we chose to buy a house and apply for a mortgage loan. There was a credit inquiry from Macy's and the lender wanted to know what it was. Simple, I told them. Then they wanted a copy of the statement. They could not understand why I couldn't provide a statement. We went round and round and made no progress explaining. I am convinced that our loan officer does not have a life beyond hi desk as he was incapable of understanding what I was telling him. I finally went to Macy's and they printed a copy of my account statement from a register. It shows my balance, minimum payment due, my name, and the last four digits of my account number. Looked good to me. Not to the lender. They want the full account number. Then they suggested I email an image of my credit card. Had I not told you that I did not have a credit card? Sheesh!

I have called Macy's two times now and pleaded for a credit card number to no avail. They said the credit card and statement have been mailed. We don't have either. On my last call I told them I signed up for e-mail statements and I have not received one. They said they would send me an e-mail statement - but would take about 48 hours. 

All of our mail has been forwarded from Glen Ellyn to Longmont. Thinking perhaps this did not get forwarded, our next door neighbor went through our mail at home looking for anything from Macy's. No luck.

Our loan is not approved and won't be submitted until we have an account number from Macy's. Our closing is scheduled for February 17th. If we don't have a loan that will not happen. Now I suppose we just wait. We are leaving here on the 19th. 

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