Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Our New Home In Colorado

Sharon and Colby now own a home in Longmont Colorado. We showed up at the closing at our scheduled 9:00 AM and found the closing officer, Lesley, our agent Kevin, the selling agent Stan and the loan officer Blake waiting for us. After handshakes all the way around we started. I commented that this must mean our loan was approved. We never received a confirmation that it was. Lots of papers and signatures and initials and a big check and almost an hour and a half later we owned a house at 1527 Otis which we promptly leased to the builder, Von's Colorado Concepts, for six months. This leaseback was critical to this deal. We likely would not have bought this house if we knew we would have to cover two mortgages for this transition period.

After closing we visited friends Chuck and Joan in Boulder and then had a nice, relaxing lunch at Carelli's. I needed the relaxing lunch because I started the morning a nervous wreck and was still a nervous wreck at lunch. In fact I didn't really recover until this evening after a couple of bourbons. I have never been so uptight and nervous at a closing.

After shopping for a birthday present for Brady in Boulder, Sharon and I went back to Longmont and printed out our warranty deed to take to the post office in order to get a mailbox key. Sharon mailed her passport renewal while we were there. Stan met us at the post office to get one of the mailbox keys since they would be paying the utility bills and home owners association fees while they rent the house. Sharon went to Party City for wrapping paper for Brady's present and I went to Wyatt's for the aforementioned bourbon - Evan Williams Single Barrel. An easy afternoon and evening at the rental house followed.

Tomorrow we pack and clean the house in preparation for leaving early Friday morning. We head for Lincoln Nebraska for Friday night and then Davenport Saturday for Brady's birthday. Sunday will get us back to Glen Ellyn and then Monday morning Sharon flies off to Orange California and I begin the house decluttering and disposal. Our hope is that we can be moved and in the new house by June or July.

Anyone need a house in Glen Ellyn? Know of anyone who wants a house in Glen Ellyn? Only a few blocks to the train station! Oh, we have one in Redmond Oregon too. That one is for sale also. Give us a call drop us an email. We are ready to deal.

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