Monday, September 27, 2010

Today started off fine, but then I realized that my hands were somewhat numb. The lack of the sense of touch has spread from my fingertips down my fingers to my palms. If I can't feel with my fingertips and palms, then why do my fingernails hurt so much? Also today the sheath or glove I feel on my tongue seems to have grown. Somewhat like my fingertips, I can't feel with the tip of my tongue.

Despite these discoveries today, I went to work and lasted four hours - from 10:00am to 2:00pm. I then went over to the Central DuPage Hospital Urgent Care Center for my bi-weekly blood draw. Almost no waiting today! Last Monday there was quite a rush for urgent care and I waited about an hour for my blood test. Then it was home for a bowl of Lee's minestrone soup and a nap. I was wiped.

I napped for about 45 minutes and then decided I needed to get myself out of the house. Because our Arboretum membership expires on the 30th I decided to head for the Arboretum to renew and check out the Steelroots sculpture exhibition. I've included a photo of one of the sculptures here. For more visit my Picasa page.

The scuptures were lovely and I wish I could have spent more time amongst them. In them I can see people moving about, dancing, walking, standing. They will be on exhibit through the end of January which gives me time to go back and see them under different circumstances. Covered with snow would be interesting!
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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Baldy Colby in a self portrait. Today I have been working on learning to use the new camera. I'm quite pleased with its capabilities, but there is a big learning curve with this one as there are more than enough options to keep me occupied for a while. I'll post photos on Picasa as I go so any of you reading this can see how I am doing.

Katie spent the weekend with us and we enjoyed her visit. Sharon and Katie had fun shopping while I worked at Binny's. The two of them came to the store, purchased some wine and then took me to lunch at Chicks & Salsa.

Last night Sharon made a wonderful dinner of bone in chicken breasts and butternut squash out of our garden. I took before and after shots. This is the before, visit Picasa for the after shots.

Today has been a good day in the chemo cycle, I am feeling good. I told Sharon that this week I pondered the fact that on bad days I want them to end so that I could sleep and not think about how I was feeling. On good days, I don't want the day to end. This is one of the good days that I do not want to end. Lee and Peg are coming over for dinner and I am looking forward to seeing them and spending a plesant evening with them.
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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Shelby snoozes on my lap. I had a long day at work and collaped into the recliner to rest. Shelby saw this as an opportunity to relax after his long day at home, protecting us from stray mice. I took this photo with my new toy, an Olympus EP-2. It did a pretty good job in low light.

I was really tired after work and the recliner felt REALLY good. Once I was in it and relaxed I did not want to move - but then Shelby didn't want me to move either. I finally got up and poured wine for Katie and for me and then was back in the recliner until Sharon came home from the Bistro.
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Friday, September 24, 2010

Dinner last night was a success except for the white asparagus. I was thankful I was thankful that I was inspired to cook and that I enjoyed the results. When you are wearing a glove on your tongue it can be difficult to enjoy food.

Let me elaborate on that. I say that I have a glove on my tongue because not only am I unable to taste as I could before chemo, I feel that my tongue is somewhat numb, much like my finger tips. The feeling is similar to touching objects while wearing thin gloves.

Back to dinner, because this chemo round has been difficult because of my being more tired, feeling generally "yucky" and nauseous it was a relief to feel hunger and to feel the urge to shop and cook. I wonder if chemo has been particularly difficult for me because I enjoy the tastes and aromas of food, wine, and spirits and have been unable to enjoy them during chemo? On a positive note, in two and a half months I should be regrowing taste buds and my nerve endings should be regrowing!

A neighborhood cat visited our yard last night and got Shelby and L.C. quite upset resulting in lots of howling and hissing, and fighting. Why is it when a strange cat is outside that our cats attack each other? They should put up a joint front for the interloper!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Today I had a visit with Dr. Kozuh who declares I am on track. This afternoon I will have a PET-CT scan to determine the progress of my chemo.

If you want to learn more about Hodgkin's and chemo follow this link and check out this blog.

The scan is done and I can expect to hear the results next week.

Today seems as it has been a long day, but mostly all I have done is drive to appointments and either sat around, or in the case of the scan, laid on my back. Well, I did get a new battery for the Miata and shopped at Whole Foods. We are having Italian tonight - tagliatelle with veal, wine, and cream. For a side. white asparagus.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Today I am feeling better and am working on editing photos I should have worked on as much as two years ago. This one has been posted before and I had a print made a couple of weeks ago. It will become an addition to our kitchen food art when it is matted and framed. This was taken in Collioure, France last spring. Cafe for moi and hot chocolate for Sharon. We had a nice visit in this little fishing town.

I've been putting photos on Picasa so that I can easily share with friends. This is a better venue for photos than Facebook - and more accessible. Let me know if this works for you.

I was hungry for stuffed celery and radishes today. Odd. I've not been eating much the last few days and here I want celery and radishes - and not just plain, I made a stuffing with fresh chives, some cream cheese, mayo, a little salt, pepper, and hot sauce. It is working for me. Aromas have set off bouts of nausea for the past few days. Even today, while feeling much better, the smell of cooking chicken was too much for me. Sharon is making chicken noodle soup for me at my request, I hope I can handle it!

Sharon's chicken noodle soup was outstanding - as was her whole grain bread. I ate more than I have been able to get down since last Wednesday.
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Saturday, September 18, 2010

This has not been a good round of chemo. I was able to work part of the day on Thursday but then the tide turned. General yucky feeling with nausea, issue with smells, unable to eat, sore and tender fingernail and toenails, lethargy..... Just all round "I hate chemo and what it does to me."

On Friday I was unable to accomplish much other than laying around. Saturday was a bit better, made some CDs of wedding pictures and washed some dishes. Minor accomplishments I know but better than doing nothing. I don't really want to see or talk to anyone. I do want to get out of the house, but don't want to go anywhere.

I am feeling well enough tonight to be writing and that is a step in the right direction.

Sharon is going to make soup and bread for me tomorrow! She is doing her best to get me through this.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The previous post takes me from the beginning of the Hodgkins adventure to this week - a long post. If I choose to use this method rather than the iPad iPages it may be easier to see updates and follow them.

Today was chemo number seven. Five to go. It went pretty well, I was anxious as usual but the process went fine. The needle was uncomfortable today and I could not abide with the taste or mouthfeel of the candies I have been using to cover up the chemo taste. I"ll need a new solution before the next round.

Mike Nachman picked me up from chemo, thanks Mike. I spent the rest of the day napping except for two detours - making an Annies Mac and cheese and paying quarterly estimated taxes to IRS and the Illinois Department of Revenue. Fun huh?
Hodgkin's from the beginning.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
In March I felt a lump on my chest just above my left clavicle. This was a week or so before Sharon and I were scheduled to leave for Spain - and while Sharon's dad was in his final days. After Sharon's dad passed away (another story there), and after our trip to Spain (another story there!) I went to visit the doctor about my lump.
Dr. Ha sent me for a CT Scan that resulted in finding three lymph nodes enlarged about 2cm each. The next step was a biopsy which, after three or four pathologists took a look, resulted in a diagnosis of Hodgkin's lymphoma. Dr. Tomasik, who did the biopsy, recommended two different oncologists.
My first call to an Oncologist was an eye opener and a big disappointment. I called the Cancer Care and Hematology Specialists of Chicago. Dr. Tomasik had recommended that I see Dr. Ayers of that group. I called the next day and was told that I could not get an appointment with Dr. Ayers - simply "Dr. Ayers is not available." I explained that I had been referred - no difference, no explanation, no apologies, just no. They then said I could see another doctor the following Wednesday. I agreed to take the appointment though I was not comfortable with my first experience with this group. A couple of days later I get a call from the group. They tell me they have to reschedule my appointment to another day. I told the person calling that I could not change the appointment and that I would much rather see Dr. Ayers. I was told again that Dr. Ayers was not available and that I would have to change my appointment time. From the background noise, the person calling was in a call center with lots of other people on the phone and I was just another person he had to call. Once more - not a good feeling and not the start of a positive experience. I don't want to be just an object in a cancer treatment factory. Time to try another Doctor.
I called Dr. Tomasik's other recommendation - Dr. Gerald Kozuh. The person I talked to asked a few questions, told me that they would take a look at the information available  through Central Dupage Hospital and that the Dr. would call me back the following Tuesday and let me know if he could treat me. I felt good when I got off the phone. I had talked to someone who expressed concern, told me what they could do and when they could do it. I had hope.
June 9, 2010
My first visit with Oncologist Dr. Gerald Kozuh. I felt comfortable with him right away and like his staff. Everyone seemed to care. Nurse Jean took some blood, and they set me up with an appointment for a PET-CT scan.

June 14, 2010
PET-CT scan day. This required me to eat a no/low carb high protein diet for 24 hours before the scan. The diet was not bad and in fact was pretty healthy - at least it was the way we did it. The scan process was interesting. The technician started an IV and then pushed some radioactive sugar into me. I then had to sit quietly for an hour to allow the sugar to disperse in my system. Then I went into the scanner room, reclined on the table and spent the next eternity going through the scanner. The entire process took just over two hours.

June 16, 2010
Another appointment with Dr. Kozuh. This time Sharon joined me. The Dr. said I had hot spots in my abdomen and groin as well as the known nodes above my clavicle. The means I am Stage 3a. He went over his treatment recommendations and told us what it would be like. He was very positive and encouraging. He told me I would need to have a cath-port installed and would need a bone marrow sample taken.

June 17, 2010
Back to Dr. Kozuh for a bone marrow sample. He did a great job; causing minimal pain and then he made me a latte and we talked about wine.

June 18, 2010
Today I went to CDH for and echocardiogram and a pulmonary test and blood work. This was all in preparation for surgery on Monday.
June 21, 2010 
Today was surgery at Central Dupage Hospital to implant a port for my chemo infusions. This is an access point on my chest, under the skin, connected to a catheter in a vein going to the top of my heart. This allows the chemo without having to start IVs in my arms every two weeks.
I had been nervous about the procedure, and not sleeping well - neither has Sharon lately. Last night I slept  well and woke this morning with no anxiety  about the procedure - just acceptance. We were at Central Du Page Hospital by 7:00 and by 7:20 I was in a pre-op room in a hospital gown and ready to go. Surgery though was not scheduled until 8:30.
The anesthesiologist injected my "martini" into the IV and then I was wheeled into the operating room. Once I was on the table they put oxygen tubing on my nose and the next thing I knew they were waking me up for an x-ray and then wheeling me out of the room.
Great Western Health Care called today to sign me up for a no cost program of  oncology education, guidance, and help - a care management program. They match you with an Oncology Nurse. I said "Sure."
June 23, 2010 
Chemo day 1. I was anxious about this but it really turned into a non-event.  We were concerned when Nurse Jean could not get blood out of the port - she changed needles, took a break, and then Tried putting me in different positions. Finally we found that by sitting up and putting my left shoulder back she could draw blood. Let the Chemo begin!
I am now at home. Had leftover roasted chicken and mushroom risotto for lunch with a glass of Bandol Rosé. I had a short feeling of nausea on the way home a another right after eating, but am otherwise feeling fine. In an hour I will take another nausea pill, some Tylenol, and an Atavan. Then I will likely pass out for a while. Later - didn't. Sharon said I was surprisingly active - picking up around he house and being snippy. Nurse Jean told me later my snippiness and activity are a result of the steroids she gave me with the chemo.
June 27, 2010 
Except for nausea that was pretty well handled by drugs, the after effects of chemo were not bad - until Friday night. The Neulasta side effects kicked in big time. Bone pain in my hips, legs, jaw. I couldn't sleep  and ibuprofen didn't work. Overall I had a terrible night and when I got out of bed Saturday everything hurt. Sharon did some research on Neulasta and found that antihistamines might help. I tried and perhaps they did work. The pains subsided somewhat and moved around my body from bone to bone. I suppose the Neulasta was looking for a new place to settle. However, I was able to function during that day and had a pretty good night's sleep Saturday night - but perhaps that was partly due to the Rum Runners I made for us Saturday evening.
June 28, 2010 
Sharon and I went to John Poletto's 8th annual 49th birthday yesterday. I humored John in his fantasy. Sharon had no mercy.
The bone pain was still there yesterday but better. Today I feel almost normal. Perhaps the Neulastra has let go until next time.
My new iPad was delivered today. It is even cooler than I thought it would be. I've got it set up for e-mail and a number of apps. I've downloaded some Mountain Stage Podcasts and several free books from Project Gutenberg. I am hoping that I can move this document over to the iPad and perhaps make it available on-line to friends.
June 29, 2010
Yesterday I went back to work after two days off. I felt great when I started the day but by 8:00pm I was done. I think it was all Neulasta related. I experienced pain in my lower back and hips. By the time I made it home at 9:30 the pain was worse. A glass of wine and late night dinner helped and then I took some ibuprofen and went to bed. I was able to sleep most of the night but am still sore today. Ibuprofen and stretching seem to provide some relief. 

This Neulasta bone pain is a tough one and is the worst experience of the chemo to date. I hope it gets better or I can find something to help.

Later. I am still hurting; legs, back, left fore arm.

July 1, 2010 
Sharon and Colby's anniversary - 21 years. Who would have thought it would last? I am a lucky guy.
Yesterday I had an appointment with Dr. Kozuh. First I met with Joyce, the Oncology Nurse and went over symptoms. Then Dr. Kozuh - who declared the lymph nodes in my neck looked good. Then up stairs to Nurse Jean who took a blood sample for a CBC. Some of the pains I am having are attributed to one of the chemo drugs but the bone pains in my upper legs are Neulasta related. Dr. Kozuh says that means it is working. My biggest pains are in my upper legs, hips, and lower back. 
I did make it though the day though. I am feeling better than I did this weekend. I am taking three ibuprofen before bed and two extra strength acetaminophen in the morning. Jean recommended being proactive with the ibuprofen starting the second day after chemo.
Last night Sharon and I went over to Lee and Peg's. Colleen and Ken were there also. We had a great time and a wonderful dinner. I made it past 10:00 without crashing and that felt pretty good!

July 4, 2010
On Wednesday I visited Dr. Kozuh for a checkup and a blood test. The pain I am feeling in my hips/upper legs is likely the Neulasta doing it's thing. Other than the leg pain and tiredness I am doing fine.

Yesterday I worked from 12:30-9:00. I was tired when I started and treed when I finished. Each day this week I have been spent when I got home.

I was supposed to work today and I am glad I didn't. I got in a couple of good naps and not a whole lot else. Why am I so tired? Chemo was over a week ago, my next one is this Wednesday and I feel I am still feeling the the effects of the last one.

Sharon cut my hair off today and John not only cut his off but shaved his head as well.
July 5, 2010
Tired again today but off to work from 1 to 9. No bone pain and I am less tired than yesterday.

July 7, 2010
Chemo day! I woke up with no fatigue just in time to take drugs to make me fatigued! I was nervous about this one because the port has been sensitive; I cannot forget it is there. I was also apprehensive about whether or not it would work because we had some problems last week. Sharon put some topical lidocaine on the port area and covered it with some press and seal glad wrap (with snowmen on it.) Then she drove me to the office.

We saw Dr. Kozuh before the infusion and he told us that my blood counts look good and I did not have to take the Neulasta this time. Upstairs to the infusion center, got a wrist band to show me who I was and then in I go. Jean liked the snowman glad wrap and showed me off. Every one got a giggle thanks to Sharon's choice of glad wrap! Jean was gentle and the needle went into the cat port without a problem, though she did o ce more have a problem getting a blood return. However, once some saline had gone in along with some anti-nausea drugs, she was able to get a blood return. Yea!

The chemo infusion then went along without a problem and I was done by about 11:30. Peg picked me up and drove me home. I think I would have done fine on my own, but I do appreciate the ride.

It is now 4:30 and I am feeling fine. No nausea. I ate a couple of polish sausages for lunch, watched the world cup, went outside, pulled a few weed rearranged some pond rocks added water and fed the fish. And, while I was outside, smoked a cigar. I did remember to take more an Ativan and some prochlorperazine along with acetaminophen.

This afternoon Lee mentioned that I look "jacked", that my eyes were kind of wide and I look like I was on something That's the steroids doing their thing. Also when Sharon came home she saw that I had been washing dishing and picking up - "more signs of the steroids. The Ativan slowed me down a bit though. I'm OK now.

I had a nice dinner of steak salad and bread and a small glass of wine Dessert was dried prunes in preparation for side effects the next coupe of days.

Overall a good chemo day.

July 8, 2010
Last night went well. No adverse reactions and I sleet well. Today I started out strong but close to noon I hit a wall and had to rest. I napped a couple of times and now feel fine. I'm continuing on the prochlorperazine to prevent nausea and it seems to be working. The only pain I've got today is in my right shoulder and that was painful before I started chemo!

July 9, 2010
Today was a strange one. I started out with energy and feeling well. After running a few errands I began to fade. I went upstairs to take care of something on the computer and it fought me - and a. nap called at about noon. Both cats joined me on the bed in the attic and I slept for 30 to 40 minutes. When I woke I finished the computer work but never really felt fully awake.

This was a bad day for eating - I didn't. I just was not hungery. I snacked a bit and drank water and juice but did not eat as I should have. I had a small dinner which left me nauseous. I was able a bit later to drink some water and eat a peach.

My mouth has been sensitive/tender today and yesterday. Taste? Not a whole lot there but the metallic taste is gone.
July 11, 2010
Good thing Sharon cut off my hair last weekend. Yesterday it started falling out. It is very annoying though, kinda of Iike just geeing a haircut - little bits of hair falling but ALL THE TIME! Sharon did some research and told me that by tomorrow night my scalp hair should be gone. Otherwise I am feeling well.

Sharon and I combined to make a wonderful dinner tonight. Sharon recently bought the cookbook from the Zuni Cafe in San Francisco. One of their specialties is chicken roasted in their brick oven. The version in the cookbook called for cooking in the oven and it worked well. Sharon made a bread salad from the same recipe and we put the chicken on the salad on a platter we bought in Italy. A beautiful presentation. We will make this again. We served it with an Elk Cove Pinot from the Amalie Robert vineyard.

July 13, 2010
I realized today that having cancer and going though chemo is life changing. I start each day taking stock of my body; Did I sleep, am I rested, am I nauseous, what hurts, what doesn't hurt, will I be constipated, what color will my pee be, what will I be able to do today, will I make it through the whole day, will I be hungry, will I be able to taste will I be able to smell, what hair will fall out next?

Today was a good day. I felt that I got a lot done. one of the high point was that I got hungry at noon! This may not seem to be something to get excited about, but hungry is something I have not been feeling lately. Not only was I hungry, but I ate a chicken pot pie and finished with a Kit-Kat then promptly fell asleep.

Sharon has pointed out that I seem to have developed a new interest in cookbooks and recipes. Today we were planning to have lamb chops and roasted vegetables. I saw Rachel Ray on Food Network and was moved to make her "Red and White Beans". I thought they were a good accompaniment to the lamb. I've been going through cookbooks, finding recipes, and trying recipes.

July 15, 2010
Yesterday was tough at the end of the day - I hit a wall of fatigue. I left work a little early and was. home by 5:00pm and asleep in the recliner by 5:15. I slept until about 6:30 when the phone rang but was worthless for the rest of the evening. I feel better today but I am still fatigued.

Today Binny's Personnel Manager called and told me that I was not eligible for FMLA but they "want to work with me." Bad news is they will not extend FMLA to me (Binny's bought Sam's 9 months ago and I became a new Binny's employee. They require 12 months on the job to be eligible for FMLA.) They also want a Doctor's note each time I take a day off. I asked if a broader letter from the doctor would do; no luck. He finally agreed to one note every other week stating that my treatment would require that I take some days off of work. It is good that they want to work with me, but troubling that after being told I would be under FMLA that I would not be. I'll play their game as long as I am in the insurance plan - which is very important right now.

July 17, 2010
Today I feel good I slept well for at least 10 hours, I am rested, nothing hurts, my head is bald, Sharon is making biscuits for me, life is good.Yesterday I did give out at work at around 4:00 and left about 30 minutes later. After a short nap I was better. I cooked and interesting pilaf last night from a Rachel Ray recipe - arugla and parmesan. It went well with simple halibut seasoned with "Tuscan Sunset" from Penzey's. The pilaf was a little dull, it needed some zip.

July 19, 2010
Another good day yesterday, especially because I got to spend the whole day with Sharon. I tried another new recipe but made it my own with a number of changes. Here it is!

Garlic Soup
two red or yellow peppers finely diced
three medium tomatoes seeded cored and diced
10 cloves of garlic run through a garlic press
about 2 cups of chicken stock
1/4 tsp white pepper
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp smoked spanish paprika
lemon zest
olive oil
rustic bread slices dried in oven.

In a medium saucier or sauce pan heat the olive oil over low heat. Add the peppers, tomatoes, and garlic and slowly sauté until soft. Add the salt, white pepper, and paprika and continue to sauté. Add the chicken stock and simmer for a while. Use an immersion blender to purée the soup then add stock as necessary to attain the right consistency and continue to simmer. Add the lemon zest shortly before serving.

Place bread in bowl and ladle soup over the bread. Garnish with a bit of chopped parsley or chives.

July 20, 2010
My life is now on a two week schedule. Because chemo is on an every two week schedule and we track symptoms over a two week period I feel I am living my life in two. week increments.

The past week has been very very good symptom wise. I was tired but did not feel fatigue as I did during the first round. I worked almost full time the past week. I can taste and I have been hungry. But, I am still nervous about round three tomorrow. I wonder if I will eventually get over this and feel it is routine? I do want to get to the point where I am not nervous about the chemo but I really do not want feel this is routine - because this is not something that should be routine for anyone. Chemo is had on the body and hard on the emotions. I am looking forward to my next PET or CT scan in perhaps 5 or 6 weeks and 18 week from now when I have my last chemo. Two week and two week and two weeks and two weeks. A life in two week increments.

July 21, 2010
Chemo day - treatment number three and only nine to go. I slept well last night and was mush less nervous going in today. Dr. Kozuh said my blood count was down and that I needed Neulasta. I tried pouting but it did not work on him, I could not avoid the Neulasta. My body did not cooperate on allowing a blood draw. During chemo one and two this was a problem but my body finally relented. No such luck today. Nurse Jean had to use some sort of drug to dissolve the sheath that likely formed over the end of the catheter. After allowing about 30 minutes for this to work she was able to get a blood draw. From there on the chemo proceeded normally but I was not out of there until about 12:30.

I was hungry when I got home, Sharon made me a grilled cheese sandwich, plus I had left over pesto and a glass of wine. then I sat down in the recliner and slept for an hour. I suppose the chemo session this morning took more out of me than I thought. Now that I am up and moving I washed dishes and am about to tackle pitting sour cherries in hopes that Sharon will make me a cherry pie this evening!

July 22, 2010
I slept well last night and went to work this morning. The only problem I had during the night and in the morning were an acid stomach and occasional hiccups and only one little wave of nausea.

My experiences for the last two chemo sessions told me that I should be able to work at least part of the day after chemo. I held out well until about noon and left by 12:30. When I got home I immediately sat down in the recliner Shelby climbed up on my lap and I fell asleep for well over an hour. I was useless for anything else after that.

July 24, 2010
Friday was not a good day. Sore bones, nausea, tired, little naps, chills, sweats, and then during the night, lots of pee! What fun. Today is a little better. I am nauseous but not as bad as yesterday. Sharon made pancakes for me and I have had a plum and a Coke, and water, and orange drink. Today the constipation is the killer. This is hell for a "regular" guy like me. This round of chemo is not treating me well. I had to beg off of work today - I could not have made it through the day.

I've spent far too much time at home this week and accomplished so little. On one hand I don't have the energy do do anything and on the other, between nausea, sore bones, and constipation I don't feel much like doing anything.

Watching TV today, the American Grand Prix Series at Lime Rock Park in Connecticut, I was struck by how little the place has really changed since my parents and I watched races there. The hill side where we sat is still there with folks enjoying the racing sitting on the grass. The cars are quite different though and much faster. We used to watch our friends and neighbors race in cars they drove to the track and then drove home - Porsches, Jags, Triumphs, MGs. Those were simpler times, but the grass slope where you can sit and watch is still there.

It is 5:00pm and I am feeling better than I have all day. My stomach is pretty settled, my bones ache only a little, and I am almost hungry! I feel I have to take pleasure in small victories. Chemo is awful but it is what I have to put up with the rid my body of these damn cancer cells. I hope tomorrow is better. I am supposed to work and I hope I can.

Did I mention that one of then side effects of chemo was a major reduction in my desire for alcohol? Wine? No thank you. Bourbon? Never touch the stuff! Gin? Why I never! This likely is part of the reason for my weight loss. I have found that I really cannot taste what I used to taste in wine and spirits. I will have some wine during the week after chemo as I have found that sparkling wine is much more appealing. Perhaps the bubbles in the carbonation help bring the fruit forward so that I can taste it. Have I written about this already?

July 25, 2010
I went to work today despite a terrible morning with constipation. Argh! I spent the whoever day at work with a sore tush and on the verge of nausea. The high points were Sharon bringing and sharing a salad for lunch and coming home to Sharon and the smell of fresh baked bread. I poured a glass of prosecco and sliced some bread and carried it outside along with some Valdeon cheese. Sharon and I sat and staked of. how nice it would be to be sitting at a cafe in France, or Spain, or Italy enjoying an afternoon aperitif. But, barring that, sitting under our maple tree in the back yard is an ok substitute.

July 27, 2010
It is hard to be positive when you hurt. The nausea continues, my hips hurt, sometime my lower legs, the constipation is getting better but still there. I want to be positive, I want to know that this is worth it, that the chemo is doing more harm to the cancer cells than to the rest of me. But the rest of me is tired of this and does not want it to repeat over and over over the next few months.

Our windows have been open for the past two days and it has been nice not to have air conditioning running constantly. That ends today though. I have just closed the windows in preparation for another hot and humid day.

July 28, 2010
I feel as if I've got the flu. Achy joint and bones. Yuck. Yesterday was tough. I did go to work and made it until about noon. On the way home I knew I had a need to get to a bathroom. I made it to our back door and that was it. Seem that the pills I was taking to solve the constipation did not know when to stop.
That combined with the achy bones did not make for a good day or evening. I was in bed by 9:00 and Sharon let me sleep in I got up around 8:00. I tried going outside today to move around and accomplish something but between the heat and the achy feelings that did not last long. A nap helped!

I do believe that most of my problems from the cast few days are Neulasta side effects. Here is what I found on one web site:

Neulasta side effects:
Bone pain -- in up to 57 percent of people
Muscle pain -- up to 21 percent
Headaches -- up to 16 percent
Joint pain -- up to 16 percent
Vomiting -- up to 13 percent
Weakness -- up to 13 percent
Swelling or water retention in the ankles or feet -- up to 12 percent
Constipation -- up to 10 percent.

I suffer from the bone pain and the joint pain and to some extent, the weakness. And though I have not vomited once during this process, live with a constant undercurrent of nausea. It is controllable but annoying. I can drink lemonade without a problem, but more than a small glass of water brings on nausea. Juices that were fine a couple of weeks ago no longer work. I can drink Coke.

I did get out the ukulele to provide me with some diversion and It does help some. It is hard to think about hurting when playing the ukulele, unless you are listing to me sing!

August 2, 2010
I'm alive! The last few days have been very good. Since the 29th the bone pain and the nausea have bee retreating though still there. I have worked every day except today. Of course now that chemical is two days away I am starting to experience chemo anticipation nausea!

I have moved my job to a new store and new duties. I am now the Humidor Consultant at the Binny's store in Glen Ellyn. This puts me just about a mile from work and gives me a regular schedule - 10am to 7pm Tuesday through Saturday. And they are working with me on the chemo schedule. I'll be off on chemo Wednesday, work a partial day on Thursday, then I'll be off until the following Tuesday.

Yesterday we had a house full here. Kathy and Kevin, Katie, Jorge, Aliza, and Jason, and Christine and Rich. August 1 was Chris' birthday and our first August 1st without him. In a way this was to honor him.

August 7, 2010
Chemo this week on Wednesday. Sharon took me there and Peg picked me up. Once more there was a problem getting a blood draw which meant that Jean had to inject something to dissolve the sheath on the end of the catheter and added at least 30 minutes to the process. My blood counts were ok but I still have to get the Neulasta shot. :(

Thursday I was able to go to work and made it through five hours. I came home, had some lunch and then slept for over two hours and never quite woke up again! That made sleeping Thursday night a problem - combined with frequent urination all night.

Friday I stay home and napped off and on. My joints were a bit sore and I can't taste anything but other wise I was ok during the day. I am having less of a problem with nausea so far in this cycle. I suppose I am doing a better job with prevention this time around, I am taking the anti-nausea drugs and the anti-constipation drugs. In fact it seems I am doing little but taking drugs.

I slept well last night, which really surprised me. Who knew I could sleep well this early in the chemo cycle. I am rested today and my only issue is sore joints and long bones. Oh, I almost forgot a new symptom has manifested, tingling hands and fingers. Peripheral neuropathy!

Today I took Shelby to the vet. He has been sneezing and obviously feeling down. He had a fever probably resulting from an upper respiratory infection. He got an antibiotic injection and a fluid IV. Now we are home and he is sleeping next to me. Poor guy!

August 8, 2010
Let me make it plain here - chemo sucks! Yes it is killing cancer cells but it kills plenty of other cells also. After chemo the taste buds are one of the first to go, then it kills stomach lining cells, and the flora in the GI tract, nerve cells die, oh and don't forget hair cells, and brain cells, and blood cells. You would think that as long as Hodgkin's has been around, some treatment that does not kill everything else in your body could be used!

Today was an ok day. Sharon and I took a walk and then ran some errands. I did not take any anti-nausea drugs today or pain killers. My bones and joints hurt but I did not want to take more pills!

I looked into flights from Chicago to Paris to Barcelona for next May. I inquired into a hotel in the Rue Cler area of Paris for three days in May. I am trying to look beyond chemo. Maybe I can get to Redmond for Christmas?

August 21, 2010
My how time flies when you're having fun! Yes, I am being factitious. Chemo this week took three hours and included the usual problems getting a blood draw. I was sleepy the rest of the day. I went to work Thursday though and felt pretty good, well enough to work until after 5:30pm. Friday was a different matter because I did not sleep well and over medicated with Senicot which kept me home and napping. Today, Saturday, I had a bout of nausea this morning and have had a chemical taste in my mouth all day. I don't know what it is and it will not go away. As good as I might feel right before chemo, I dread the chemo and the days after. I continue to lose hair - head, face, eyebrows, eye lashes, chest, pubes, legs, arms. Argh!

Thankfully Sharon continues to put up with me!

September 7, 2010

This past week has been all new. Last Wednesday's chemo was different. I felt poorly immediately following chemo - bad taste in my mouth and my taste buds shot already. I just did not feel right. I napped in the afternoon and ate little. During the night I continually fought hiccups and at 4:45am concluded the night with violent vomiting. However, once that was done I felt much better.

Thursday I went to work for a few hours but was wiped afterwards. Thursday evening, Friday, Saturday I was tired, not hungry, had low level nausea, and bone pains. Sunday was a bit better and I even managed to go fly fishing at Lambert Lake for about an hour. Still no appetite though.

Monday was better. But I am tired, my bones hurt and I continue with the underlying nausea. I just took an Atavan for it's "I don't care." properties and I am going to work. We shall see.

On the positive side, the weather is nice, mild and dry. I have decided to resurrect my photography that I have left behind this year and last. I've pulled out the camera, cleaned the lenses and am shooting again.

September 12, 2010

Friday's high point was lunch with Cindy, George, Jackie, and Jeff. Fish tacos at Chicks and Salsa were just what I wanted. It was nice to visit with them and catch up on other Sam's folk. We were a good team at the Downers Grove store.

Chemo side effects - dry skin, tender nails, neuropathy, lack of taste, being tired, bone pain - and these are in the "good" week of my cycle. It is hard to make it through a day at work, but better to be occupied there than moping at home!

I've found a photography blog that I really enjoy. Kirk Tuck from Austin. I like his photography and his writing and I a jealous! I know that lack of practice has had a negative impact on both my writing and my photography. There is a solution, write more and photograph more. All I have to do is make it happen, take the time, make the effort. Just picking up the DSLR rather than the Canon point and shoot makes a difference. Looking through a viewfinder rather than an LCD screen allows for better composition. And, the quality of the final result is better with the Nikon D70 (even it it is "old" technology now. The images from the Nikon show more detail than the Canon. There is less chance of blurring from motion as a result of holding the camera against my face rather than with my arms extended.

This Wednesday is chemo treatment number seven. I've had six and have six to go - half way there. I am so looking forward to the end of chemo side effects. Also in the next coupe of weeks I will have another PET-CT scan to determine the effectiveness of the chemo. What we are hoping for is no sign of the cancer. I know from looking and feeling my neck and chest that I know longer can feel swelling and enlarged nodules.