Monday, August 1, 2016

Pond Progress

Today fish joined the pond. A dozen $0.35 small feeder goldfish are now swimming around. I added a strawberry pot so they would have shelter from the sun and from critters. I also bought and had delivered .28 tons of Rocky Mountain Flat Cobble. I thought this would be enough to complete naturalizing around the pond. It turns out a quarter ton of rock is not that much. I think I can use about two times that much more. We shall see when I get them installed. I also picked up a preformed "stream". My initial idea on the pond included a stream on the north end, but it turns out mother nature combined with the grading of the lot conspired against me and the slope in the yard went the wrong way. WIth the preformed stream I should be able to support it underneath and get it to flow south. LIttle did Peg know when she came to visit that I would have her moving rocks from the driveway to the pond.



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