Thursday, June 23, 2016

Another Week!

Just over a week since my last entry and it is time for an update.

Sharon is at the end of her second week of commuting to Green Bay from Longmont. She leaves early Monday morning and returns early Thursday evening. All flying and no driving which makes her happy. Going out to dinner on Thursday evening in Longmont can be an issue with restaurants closing at 8:30 or 9:00 when Sharon's flight is delayed. If she arrives on time we should be able to make it to Longmont by 8:15. But, why am I complaining?

This week I have built and started using my new table saw and dust control system. Sweet. This Rigid saw is a major improvement over what I have been using. It is quieter, has a bigger table, and a better fence. And, combined with the dust control system, I don't have sawdust flying everywhere. Before I can go into production on kitchen pullouts, I need to build a worktable or two and move boxes around in the basement. I also need better lighting. It is dim down there!

I am now a volunteer on the Architectural Control Committee for the home owners association. This could be interesting. I interviewed with them last Saturday and they told me my yard was not in compliance. Huh? I just moved here. 

We have ordered window coverings and I have met with two landscapers, and bought furniture, and rugs, and ceiling fans, and odds and ends and I feel we are bleeding cash. But, as Sharon says "Do it right." It is expensive to move and perhaps more so to move into a new house that needs window coverings and landscaping and a bot of new furniture, and ceiling fans, and other things. We are making it ours.

We have been to the Longmont farmers market the past two weeks. So far our finds were heirloom tomatoes, a rosemary plant, and some zucchini. With a trip to Lowes for soil and trips to two nurseries, we have herbs growing on the front a back porches. Nice.

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