Saturday, June 4, 2016

Adventures In Moving

This week was moving week. After a weekend of hectic last minute packing and purging and a couple of last get together with friends, the movers arrived on May 31 to load us out. We were supposed to see a driver, Eddie, and two helpers. One help was a no show which meant that for the first three hour, two guys were doing it all. That and heavy rain at around 2:00 meant that our load out lasted from 8:00 to 6:45. Sharon and Katie loaded up the cats and headed out early on their way to Davenport. I hung at the house, adding lat minute things to the Miata, taking apart the hutch, and an entertainment center and watching the loading. I was a long day.


I met Sharon and Katie in Davenport and we spent the evening and the next morning with Kathy and Kevin and Brady before starting our drive. Destination: Kearney Nebraska. For us is was an uneventful straight shot across Iowa and Nebraska. By the way, you can have Omaha! Yikes, the traffic there is terrible. The cats did fine and handled their stay in the hotel in Kearney without too much fussing.


June 2 and off to Davenport! Our last leg was only about five hours of driving. The weather was beautiful traffic was light and except for an erratic woman in an SUV who tried to run me off the road, uneventful. As we crossed the Colorado state line I said to myself, "We're home!" We had a nice brunch in Sterling Nebraska around 10:30 and made it to Longmont at about 12:45. IT was quite a sight when we crossed the ridge and could suddenly see the mountains. Stan met us at 1527 Otis and let us in, gave us keys, and took off the lock box. Scott Von met us with garage door openers and we were in our new home. We unpacked the cars, blew up air mattresses, and Sharon and Katie did some basic shopping while I waited on our refrigerator delivery and set up our internet connection.




Last stop of the day was in Niwot where we met Chuck and Joan for dinner at Ajuaa. A good time was had by all and we went home to crash. Sleeping on the air mattresses is another story.



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