Thursday, June 9, 2016


Busy week! On Tuesday the movers arrived, well, the driver Eddie arrived but no one to unload the truck. Shades of loading in Glen Ellyn. Eddie got on the phone and got one guy here by about 9:00 and another showed uo just before 11. The three of them did hustle though and the truck was unloaded in far less time than it took to load it.

The house is now full of furniture and boxes and we are sorting it out and arranging. Sharon has u packed all seven wardrobe boxes and the bedrom is liveable. She is also catching up on laundry and unpacking and arranging the kitchen all while spending time on the telephone working with clients. Wonder Woman.

I feel I have mostly been carrying boxes from the basement up to the first or second floor or moving boxes from the second floor to the first floor or the basement. I discovered that it matters not how you lable a box or where you tell a mover to put it, they will put it where they want. Also, why did I bother writing "Fragile" on some boxes? It makes no difference to a mover, though I have not foiund anything broken yet (though I think a box with framed photos has a bit of glass rattling around.

The garage is full of empty b oxes to be broken down and the back of the Volvo is full of sheets of packing paper. It takes up a lot more room when it is used than when it was new. I guess that's why it works so well for packing. I hope to make a run to the Longmont Recycling Center today to get rid of some of it.

I am enjoying the light in this house. This morning when I got up and looked out the bedroom window at the blue sky, the mountains, the green, I couldn't help but smile. Every room has big windows and the house is much lighter and brighter than our Glen Ellyn house.

Back to unpacking!

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