Sunday, March 6, 2011

The kitties have a new favorite nap spot - side by side on Sharon's pillow. If we don't cover it in the morning before we leave, Sharon will have a major allergy attack in the evening. Aren't they cute?

Sharon cut my hair today - a #2 on top and #1 1/2 on the sides. Last time around the #1 1/2 was almost too long for the top. Today the #2 was perfect. My hair is indeed growing! My eyebrows are bushier than they were before chemo and I have hair in spots that have not seen hair in years.

Continuing issues are neuropathy in my fingers and the soles of my feet, aches and pains all over that come and go, I can still feel the spot where the cath port was removed, fingernails still slowly growing out (but no more to come off), and toenails coming off - just on my big toes and the little toe on my right foot. Also, my strength and stamina is not fully back. Complain, complain complain!

I started using an exercise ball for my hands this week. It is too early to report on results. I have an appointment with my new Oncologist, Dr. Eisner, tomorrow. I'll drop all my issues on him and see what he says. I think physical therapy may be good for the nerve issues. He will likely schedule me for a PET-CT scan. More later!

Today is a day off and we are having pre Fat Tuesday crab cakes today. Sharon will back some bread, we'll make a salad and Steve and Marge are coming over. I should come up with a Mardi Gras cocktail! The weather is chilly but nice today - partly cloudy. I think is may be a Cognac and cigar day in the yard.
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