Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Kathy and Kevin and Brady came for the weekend - well they were here and gone and here and gone and here and gone, but we did have a nice visit. I got the opportunity for some Brady photos on Sunday after her first Wolves game. I suppose since Kathy and Kevin are both Wolves fans that Brady does not have an option! I will do my best to ensure this child is well documented with well composed, lit, and focused photographs. This proves that I don't always photograph cats.

This is an unintentional self portrait. Look at L.C.'s eyes and you can see the photographer at work. Cool! I took lots of pictures today using the new Pinwide lens and both the wide angle and telephoto zooms. Even though it was cold outside, the sun made it feel much warmer than the low 30s. I was able to comfortably shoot our blooming crocus and other things out doors. I also took the time to smoke a cigar and drink a beer (Spaten Optimater) - also outside of course.
Other than this Sharon and I have not been terribly productive today, mostly hanging inside taking it easy. We have both been surfing the Web and generallly up to no productive good. I did look at the AT&T site to inquire about upgrading to iPhones. It looks like $199 - whether you are a new AT&T customer or an old one. That just sucks! Then, try to figure out their data plans. Can they make it more complicated? Too many options and not enough answers.

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