Friday, March 25, 2011

Of course more kitty pictures! Shelby and L.C. napping on our bed. They do a lot of that.
This week was doctor visits and tests. Monday with the pulmonologist she expressed some concerns over my last x-ray, but after looking at the CT scan from last week she says I am OK but should let her know if I have any chest issues. Bottom line, the pneumonia from January is gone.
Tuesday I went to Elmhurst Hospital for a blood test and B12 shot. Also, I talked to my oncologist who reports the CT scan was clear and I have no signs of cancer. I see him again in three months and can plan on a CT scan in six months. My only concerns now are getting beyond all of the residual chemo side effects. My blog can now focus on life and living post chemo and post cancer.

Kathy and Kevin and Brady are here for the weekend. Surely there will be more Brady pictures posted here shortly. Aliza is here too! She has an interview tomorrow and asked if she could stay with us this evening. Of course!

This week I got a new pinhole lens for the Olympus EP-2 camera. As someone who has enjoyed pinhole photography in the past, it is pretty cool to have one for a digital camera. I've only shot a few images in the kitchen so far. I hope to get it out this Sunday. Here is one of the first shots. Pinhole lenses have very small openings and thus very high f-stops. This results in long exposure times and almost infinite depth of field. It will be fun to learn to use this lens. I also got a telephoto lens for the camera and I am now ready for most any photo situation on our travels and at home.

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