Friday, April 6, 2018


Blog Pad Pro has done it to me again. I finished a post, saved it and then published it - and it came up empty and then overwrote my saved version with a blank post. I need a new offine blogging tool.

As a side effect of my bone marrow transplant/stem cell transplant I must retake all of my childhood and adult immunizations. This is because the transplant wiped out all of my immunity. Yeserday I visited the UCHealth Longmont Clinic to begin the process. Dealing with the clinic to get this appointment was a terrible experience. I had taken paperwork to them over two weeks ago and they misplaced it. Then they asked questions that they shouldn’t have if they had read the paperwork. “Why do you need the immunizations?” “We need your immuniztion history.” However, once I got to the clinic and met with the Nurse Practitioner, I knoew I was talking to someone who knew what she was doing.
  • Hib Vaccine - Haemophilus influenzae type b
  • Hepatitis A and B Vaccine combined
  • Tdap Vaccine - Tetanus, diptheria, and pertussis
  • Polio Vaccine
  • Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV13)
Five injections, three in my left arm and two in my right. I didn’t cry but they did not give me a sucker. A day later and my arms are still tender. My shoulders hurt. I didn’t sleep well and Tylenol helped little. But, this rounbd is done. I get more in June. I the course of this I contempleted the “anti vaccers” those misguided people who don’t believe in vaccinations and by doing so put the rest of us at risk - the young, the old, those with compromised immune systems, and those like me with no immunity because of bone marrow transplants. They anger me.


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